To be honest, I'm glad I got someone pissed off. They deserve it.
EDIT: Here's what the noble "moderate" said to me -
"Progress would be achieving something, succeeding at a goal, making a point that works.
Additionally, there are many different degrees of cuntery, and you can't lump people together as left or right.
You can be left and be a prick, you can be right and be a prick.
Thinking people shouldn't be punished be punished for having abortions is not uniquely a leftist position.
Most of the people in the video were not left, they were regressive left and emotionally unstable, just like the emotionally unstable right wing hicks that were interviewed.
The gay guy got called a faggot by a 'brave' right wing soldier doing his right wing duty, passing by him while he was getting interviewed in this video, that is a far right opinion, it's also the action of a cunt.
The guy was gay, and that's all you need to discount his point, but his points were logical and rational.
Not regressive left positions, but common fucking sense.Here's his initial response before I confronted him -
I said, quite clearly, that having a problem with the left doesn't mean the hard right is correct.
Perhaps it's an American problem, you flick the switch from regressive lefty to far right cunt, and have no way to continue your life without joining one club or another."
"fuck the left, i'll stand on the hard right #Americanlogic
Punish people for having abortions.
Assault rifles for all.
Keep all foreigners out, we are the best, hell yeh, fire your assault rifles in the air, then wave them around like you just dont care, then fuck your sister.
The left are regressive and these lefties are not smart, with the exception of the gay guy who you can only hate because he looks 'faggy' lol.
Women do have the right to decide, and you DO need statistics to prove a point based on statistics!!!!
The right are the hick yokel yankee doodle cunts shouting draped in American flags who will vote for someone just so they get a bigger gun to shoot.
I already know that i'll get responses from the most stupid humans in existence, pumping up America and making lots of outdated ignorant mongy references to England, despite the fact you'll reply in my language lol.
Let's have ya Trumpees"