Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Name Calling

Warning: PG-13 for crude language.

Conservatives are called a host of names and are accused of many things:
  • bigoted
  • homophobic
  • sexist
  • backwards
  • rubes
  • redneck
  • troglodyte
  • neanderthal
  • places they live are called "fly over country" or "nowhere" or (heard this in college) "bumblefuck"
  • anti-science
  • anti-logic
  • gun-totting bible thumpers
  • "clinging to your guns & bibles"
  • the world despises you
  • fatty 
  • "soccer mom" (used as a jab in reference to mothers who drive mini-vans and dresses in zip hoodie) 
  • wicked (some old-school dude in my city said that in reference to "typical whites" and conservatism -- said he was liberal) 
  • Teabagger
Wow. Quite the list. It's quite "diverse" as well going from insulting ones intelligence, ones sense of place/home, potential, religion to assuring the receiver that he's held in contempt by the world (that's a lot of people). Overall, it basically insults almost everything about the person. From the way they look, they way they dress, where they live and the thoughts & beliefs that carry are around with them.

This also extend to jabs at low paying jobs. People working at KFC, as a cashier or in retail are usually met with "have fun working at your dead end job" to "have fun working at your menial job." White collar jobs don't fair any better - "office drone" to "desk jockey" to "pencil pusher."

I was having a discussion with some person who was obviously liberal. Since this was on the internet and my avatar wasn't a picture of me, so he had no way of actually knowing my face therefore let had no accurate way of assuming my background. The discussion got a bit testy and here's what he thought of me:
  • I lived in the swamps
  • I played the banjo (at least he thought I had musical talent)
  • I had no teeth
  • I had "infant parents" (parents that had kids in their teens or early twenties, hence "infant")
But none of those things were true about me.

And this was all because he read into my comment that I was making fun of rap music & rappers. I assure you I wasn't. If it is of any importance this guy was white.

The poster was man who was a college graduate, had taught kids English in the Middle East (or was it Africa?) and visited other countries afterwards. I think it's fair to say he's well-traveled compared to the average American, liberal (let's attribute these to the label: open-minded, compassionate, wants fairness & justice) and a college degree holder. Impressive, right?


It's too bad every time I engaged he couldn't hold a somewhat sound position.

Now let's list the names asserted to modernists/progressives:
  • pinko commie
  • anti-American
  • faggot (mostly hurled at homosexuals, but this is rare in my experience)
  • pervert (more common than faggot)
  • socialist
  • libtard (I think conservicunt is better ... I just find it, er, a bit funny, but that's the 12 yr old in me speaking)
Am I missing any because it seems rather short? It's weird for me when liberals say the "love America" because most of the liberals (like the hardcore ones) I've encountered hold the country to some contempt; the affection & pride is nowhere near what conservatives display.

I remember about five years ago, there was a facebook page entitled "Lose the Label." I joined while I was in high school since I thought it was a good cause. Thinking about such a group it's safe to bet that most that joined were not socially conservative and probably held a negative view towards the GOP and towards anything remotely conservative.

Looking that the names conservatives are called compared to the ones modernists/progressive are called ... I guess "Lose the Label" was really geared towards eliminating words that were directed at certain groups, like LGBTs (fair enough) and the use of the word nigger (but black can call fellow blacks that). Kind of like how "It Gets Better" was initially - and mainly directed to this day - for the LGBTs. General bullying was just the "Oh yea, and them too!" safety net when someone questions the scope of the campaign.  Sorry fat kid and four-eyes, you're on the bottom of the totem poll.

"Wait, how about the whole 'equality' talk?  Isn't everyone created equal?"
"Sure, but that's different. It's relative to the situation."
"Oh ... I guess I can tuck that new 'It Gets Better' t-shirt away ..."

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