Saturday, September 19, 2015

The War on Greek Life

Wesleyan University, an elite liberal arts institution, has banned all fraternities & sororities from campus. The culture is no more.

Here's an excerpt about the university's trustees giving an ultimatum to the existing fraternities prior to the fall of 2015 -
The decree, endorsed by Wesleyan’s trustees, gave all campus-linked fraternities three years to either admit women into their membership or lose their status as “program housing.” (Wesleyan requires nearly all its undergraduates to live in either dormitories or university-approved off-campus residences.) Around the same time in 2014 the third fraternity, Beta Theta Pi, was suspended after an apparently intoxicated female sophomore at Wesleyan fell from a third-story window in the frat house and was seriously injured.
As the article expresses -
The slow-motion demise of all-male fraternities at Wesleyan is the result of the fatal intersection of two phenomena. The first is a longstanding-old ideological war against fraternities conducted by progressive college faculty and administrators perturbed by Greek houses’ resistance to campus administrative control and their often politically incorrect culture. As soon as fraternities came into existence during the early 19th century, university administrators started trying to get rid of them.
I'll add this as well: There's little doubt in my mind that those calling for the integration saw the single-sex requirement as equal to racial segregation, if not drawing inspiration from Brown v Board of Education.

In terms of despicable behavior, if they - those that call for integrated socials - are so upset with sexual assault and drunkard behavior that occurs within parties why call for sex integration? Hormonal young adults, no supervision, alcohol = stupidity will rear it's head around the corner more often than you can shove it back. Now add all that with co-ed housing with the frat-life culture? That's like giving a child a grenade without the pin, and saying to throw it "real far," and either the child throws i not far enough resulting in your deaths or holds on to it resulting in your deaths.

What's interesting is that the university calls for a ban on greek life, which they got, but not ,say, alcohol or have seminars on character, integrity and decency. "It's the sexist, homophobic patriarchal system that's archaic in our day-and-age that must be vetted and teared down!"

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