Wednesday, October 21, 2015

If You Only Had a Brain

If the GOP voters had a brain they'd see Trump mainly as these things when it comes to policy & media:

(1) Great at deflecting the BS that is thrown at non (D)s and non-'save-the-world-save-the-little-guy' types and

(2) Great at bringing up issues, particularly the less-than stellar economy and downright traitorous immigration policies held by many leftists/"progressives."

That's it.

Why anyone who is serious about the POTUS position would favor him over the others, besides Jeb Bush,  is not beyond my understanding, but beyond my respect. Yet several contributors at American Thinker and its combox members think otherwise. The site and the writers that make up the site haven't official said it, but their guy is Trump, and they have no problem painting and believing things that make Walker (now out of the race), Fiorina (I believe she'll drop out after the 3rd debate), Carson, Rubio and Cruz as establishment types or less-than trustworthy candidates. They'll snidely remark "cuckservative." This is proof of their lowly bottom and, as an ex-modern day liberal, I will admit shows why liberals/leftists/progs think The Right are unsophisticated rubes. In some ways they are.

And to the people within the RNC picking the candidate that gets their backing - this time it's Jeb - you people are losers who need to replaced. Careerist politicians whose better days are long behind them, whose eyes are cloudy with screeching brakes that don't know how to call it quits, or 40 yr olds who couldn't run a successful business so they, instead, run a major political organization. Yikes.

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