Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thanks feminism, you made men stupid.

And men who are already stupid, well, you just became more stupid. If ...

Men who are supporting women to be put into selective-service are bringing forth horrid, horrid arguments.

A good majority of the arguments that I've come across are balancing on one thing: anger towards feminism and their push for "equality." The argument goes like this -

Man: Why is it okay to send our boys overseas to get killed? Isn't it sexism to value one sex over another and think one sex is less capable?

That pretty much how it goes.

Well here's one thing, I'll go back in time actually during the colonial period, men were the fighters. I'll fast forward from that time period and go to WWII. Men were the fighters. They were the drafted ones. I'll creep forward to a more present time when the Gulf War happened where both men and women were sent overseas. At that time combat roles were all men. The USA didn't have a draft because they didn't need one. Women were mostly in supporting roles if they chose to join the military. Let's go back a little before the Gulf Wars and look at Vietnam. There was a draft and all the draftees were men. Most became infantry because that's what drafts are for: to fulfill infantry positions.

I don't think Man understands what the draft is actually for and what jobs, when the draft happens, are mostly for infantry. But Man is stupid and goes on to say, "But they can draft the women as nurses. In WWII that almost happened ... " I don't know if women were 'almost' drafted in WWII, but I do know there was an agenda to fill nursing roles by all the propaganda posters.  I don't believe there is a shortage in the nursing corps, so I having a huge influx of female nurses is pretty stupid. Man doesn't take into account that since women are allowed to be in combat roles that combat roles, if they were to register for the draft, would be open to them and that to exclude them from that MOS would defeat the logic of retard Ashton Carter and all the feminists.

When men support the drafting of women they fulfill the feminists Utopia because they support this bizarre notion of "equality" on horrid arguments. For whatever reason they're angry that "our boys" die. Welcome to war. All of a sudden you're for co-ed drafts. For what reason? "Because our boys die!" Okay, what if we send puppies? Men who support this are just as horrible as the feminists who really don't give a darn about the lives that are at stake, just that "equality" is accomplished. Men like Man are idiots for failing to recognize that they helping feminists win.

If you're pissed at the feminists who push for equality, backing up further insane "equality" metrics renders your backlash from feminism is pointless. Here's what you do: You don't support the drafting of women and debate that accepting women into combat roles was a horrid decision. It's like saying you're all for socialized healthcare because you're pissed at Obama, and you want all the people to suffer under a healthcare system you don't like in order to prove that it was a horrid plan.

One side is feminism calling for "equality." The other side is full of  idiots calling for the drafting of women because they're pissed "our boys" go to war but not "our women." Well, women do go to war, just not in conscription form (as of today). They voluntarily join the military and, if fates have it, deploy in a war zone.

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