Add on a little depressed as well.
I'm about to incur 45K in student debt for a damn Masters in Social Work. Fuck this shit.
Should higher education be free? Fuck no. Should the masters level be free? Fuck no. But G_d dammit why the fuck do a majority of institutions charge so much for a degree in a sector that pays crap? You'll be lucky to have a 50K yearly income as opposed to 30-40K yearly income.
A MSW ROI is the complete opposite when compared to an MBA. In fact, I bet one can do more effective good with an MBA than with a MSW. I'll most likely be the only conservative in my cohort and the one who says, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." I'm entering leftist territory here. The academic belly of the beast.
I mean, if I become a social worker how the heck I'm gonna live? How the heck am I gonna buy a wedding ring for my future wife, let alone afford the church ceremony & reception, and raise a family? If I find a suitable wife I can't be "the man" making a poultry 30-40K salary. Fuck no. It's ironic, really, since social workers no doubt give direct service to those on welfare (if you're in child/family specialty) and have no conscious problem suggesting abortion clinics. Some welfare recipients also have more babies to get more welfare checks. And I can't even start my own family because I'll be employed by a shitty sector with shitty pay with leftist retards and the "governing" body that is the CWRE? Everything is backwards here. Social workers might as well get on welfare and join the people they try to help.
Fuck the pathetic pay.
Fuck social work being bloated.
Fuck the welfare queens.
Fuck the anti-"pull yourself up by your bootstraps" people.
All of a sudden an MBA from Cornell's Johnson program looks like gold. Maybe greed is good. You have a good chance of landing a low six figure salary if you make good, that's why. Add on promotions that pay (unlike social work) and versatility of the degree. I suppose the downside is instead of being surrounded by idiots who are leftist retards you're surrounded by assholes who think they're G_d. Meh. At least the ROI gets you starry eyed and say you're a graduate from a top program. In social work it doesn't actually matter where you get your degree from, so paying for a UPenn MSW is messed up. It's a little over 40K a year. Their MSW is a two yr program if you are a full-time student. At the end, for that Ivy pedigree, you'll be over 80K in debt working for half of that once you're in the work force.
What the fuck are UPenn MSW student paying for? I'll tell you: The name. They're going to get the same pay and the same jobs as a MSW student in the New Mexico State program.
Note: I need find a new job and drop out of this program ASAP. When I told my parents that I got accepted into the program they gave no shits. I knew I should've went big and applied for T-25 MBA. But no - I had to go the fucking social work route. I'll be swamped by do-gooders who don't know how the world work while they stupidly say, "We help people!" Yea, so do Wal-mart associates who help stock the shelves.
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