Catholics who support socialism.
Catholics who think the 'free market' is mean and evil.
Catholics who think that other Catholics put too much emphasis on marriage and the nuclear family.
Catholics who are "no country" types.
Why are they Catholic again? This is good, though. It shows that there's diversity in thought among Catholics.
It's too bad those that want socialism (let me guess, you work a shitty job and you don't have any real marketable skills) want a system that has been proven wrong time and again. But, but, but the 'free market' is killing us! Killing. You read that correctly.
Those who think the Church and other Catholics put too much emphasis on the married nuclear family can just leave. Seriously. I'm not the "move to another country what don't ya" type, but the RCC needs people who believe in the married nuclear family with every fiber in their being, not lukewarm types who are better of at some Episcopalian church.
As for the "no country" types, well, I heard through the grapevine that Interstellar was going to happen - the space habitat that is, not the dust storms. I'm kidding. NASA hasn't yet released an official statement.
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