Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tradition? What's that?

Person A: I think it's crap that the NCAA removed that university's mascot on the grounds of "racism." It'll only be time before other sports traditions are scrapped.

Person B: Look, I understand the bitterness of some fans. The traditions that are still there have no connections to the mascot, so I think they'll stay. What you're doing is an appeal to emotions and has a smell of NCAA conspiracy theory. It's silly.

Person A: How does a slippery slope equates to a conspiracy theory?

Person B: It's over. I've moved on, and IMO the rest of our fanbase ought to do the same.

Person A: So what you're saying that an image, once an integral part of this university's public image, scrapped, and the future students should just not give a damn? What if, one day, the songs used by the marching band that have taken some heat due to its loose connection to the now band mascot are banned? Now what?

Person B: Like the mascot, they should get over it.

Person A: I get it. You're the type that really doesn't give a damn about tradition. How's the shitty block letter of the university in replace of the mascot's face? It's looks like crap. You're the kind that will be totally fine with corporate take over and when new "traditions" are started, you'll be there saying it's 'just as good' as the old ones.

Person B: It's just a silly tradition.

Person A: No, it's not a "silly" tradition. Tradition gives character. It gives life. 

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