Thursday, March 16, 2017

Apparently the alt-right scares the living sh*t outa The Left.

 This is not something new I've realized.

I belong to a facebook group for the INTJ personality. Today one member posted a question (in a rather confrontational manner) wanting "members" of the alt-right to explain how the ethnostate vaunted by the alt-right will come to fruition without violence. The member who asked this was a black  man.

My reply? I asked if he knew what the alt-right was and that some statements - like calling Trump's administration a "regime" - was embarrassing. The poster replied back saying I was "cucky" to which I said he wasn't eve using "cuck" correctly.

I don't believe I'll be responding any further due to the fact that A) I barely, if ever (until now) ever post anything political on facebook, and doing just seems strange; and B) ever since I re-engaged in facebook two months ago after a five year absence, I have already grown irritated and tired of all the leftist political bullshit (mainly coming from a single leftist).

I also want to note that anti-Trump is the new anti-Bush/Palin syndrome. The member who posted the question has a background picture that shows a Trojan horse with Trump's head, unleashing Russian soldiers within America (Statue of Liberty is in the background). All of a sudden The Left is gravely concerned about America's liberties. How, um, cute.

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