The left love to use the word nuance to describe how one should go about race relations, or when they talk about great art. Nuance. Ahhh.
When I first tried my hand at being a conservative, or at least espoused conservative stances, I was called the following:
All within an hour's time.
A year down the line someone took issue with me saying that Macklemore's music was entirely mediocre (on Red flags came up after reading a few lines, I can't remember what he wrote, but it made me quickly believe he was some liberal dick and sure enough this someone was. He then went on to frame my whole existence:
apparently I was white
I played the banjo
had parent-children (young parents)
had sexual relations with my sister
lived in the swamp
When I told him I and my family were non of those things, quite the opposite actually, he said "something went wrong." I suppose if you're non-white and was raised in an urban setting you'd ultimately realize that Macklemore was on your side because he was a "conscious rapper" standing up for LGBT+ rights and whatnot. And it turned this someone was a homosexual who taught English to little Asian kids abroad. Go figure.
And just yesterday something similar happened. I responded to a youtube comment, just saying that I wasn't in favor of the NFL kneeling protests. It garnered a poster to say that it was rich of me, as a white boy, to dismiss it. I responded back that it was utterly typical of his kind to assume I was white.
The funny part to this is that I sense - no, I know (like how I know water is wet) - that my interactions with the bottom-of-the-barrel leftists, their assumptions and accusations, are the same assumptions and accusations that pervade the staff room at NYT, CNN, MSNBC, the entertainment and publishing industry, and academia when anything with a lick of conservatism interjects their orgy of feelings, indignation and their worry for brown kids.
But no, it's those evil, mean racist conservatives that uphold the patriarchy and backwards social policies whom I should hold contempt for.
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