Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Quit being such a p_ssy, Steve.

Or whoever is thinking of axing the comment section One Peter Five.

"I’m not a huge fan of our comment boxes. I’ll say that outright. I worry that for new people coming to look at the site, or one-time readers who may be linking in for some reason or other, they are not exactly an example of us putting our best foot forward. We have regular arguments over our comment policy. When we are forced to ban people for violating that policy, we get very huffy and indignant emails. The sheer volume of comments clogs up my inbox.

BUT — and this is a big “but” — I know that for many of you, comments are extremely important. They give you a place to work this stuff out, they keep you coming back to the site, they help you (through the related content links) to find other articles you may have missed, and so on."

1. Unless the comment section is absolute dirt I'd  argue "putting your best foot forward" is giving the visitor quality content and a user friendly interface, not eliminating the comment section because you're afraid people will run away.

2. Stop being a fucking pussy, Steve. (I already find you slightly annoying on your podcast and at times you're melodramatic.)

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