Here's a relatively short post.
Why do we say "Love is Love" and that there are no differences between males and females in terms of athletic performances yet, supposedly, science is showing that there are neurological differences between the following -
- male and females
- homosexuals having neurological frameworks of their opposite sex (hence why they're attracted to their own sex)
- transgender having neurological framework similar to that of the sex they want to transition in (hence their feeling of being in "the wrong body" aka Gender Identity Disorder/Dysphoria)
So when shallow platitudes of "Love is Love" is bandied around, or when commercials showing a huge "x-ray" where people kiss behind it, where the audience only sees the skeletal frame of the two people kissing or hugging, to be met with different races, religions and two people of the same sex once they step in front, you should probably think twice.
As I said, given the neurological differences, the promotion of sodomy and transgenderism should be questioned. A same-sex pairing isn't going to be worried about committing sodomy and getting pregnant. A transgender has a ton of stuff to work out. Simply put, second and third points to a disorder. Wires crossed or misaligned. We go skin deep to skeletal to microscopic. When people say there's no difference between female and male brain, think again.