Sunday, July 17, 2022

Restricting or Banishing the TLM Doesn't Make Those Take TC To A Whole New Level Look Good.

The TLM is a minority in the States and therefore in every diocese. This is the simple reason why I don't take seriously the "trads are doing all sorts of mean things to undermine the Pope and the Catholic community!" Most likely the average Catholic attends an NO parish and has never been to a Latin mass let alone heard of it, especially if they're under the age of 50. This is why I'm skeptical of those who magically appear on the internet saying "Well I came across a trads who said X and Y and did Z that turned me off." Sure, I bet you did. Or you never did - at all. Stuff that never happened. You'd have to actively seek out a TLM and a more conservative Catholic group if you really wanna come across and weird stuff. 

The banning of TLM in the Diocese of Savannah is literally stupid. Literally. So, if true, that Cardinal Cupich is kicking out ICKSP whose headquarters is located in Chicago, out of the Diocese of Chicago, then that's even more stupid. This is after he allowed St. John Cantius to conintue their offering of the TLM.

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