Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Boom: Another One Bites The Dust

Another name added to CelebrityMovieArchive and its ilk. Sorta resembles the "naughty wall" found in skeevy hole in the walls or rooms that only select employees are allowed into. 

Predatory Hollywood once again found an actress to shed some skin, or at least wear some lingerie that reveals more than it hides, once they came of age. Of course, this actress is equally responsible for her exposure (no pun intended). She, probably without hesitance, signed her contract that has clauses in it on her acting on what she's willing to do and what not to do. She - and all actresses - with full consciousness accepted being asked to dress in skimpy lingerie, to undress and to hump their co-star. 

This actress' filmography, though short, already has a pattern to it: play easily impressionable young girls who are caught up in highly unfortunate situations where they later deal with their bad actions. In one role she was brutally killed point blank. In another she was also killed via poison. Another role her character was almost raped. And another character she makes a choice that can only be said to be stupid, if not awkward, that belies the logic that was ingrained into her. 

Because art. Or something. 

As I said, actresses are just hired strippers upon request who every now and then do softcore porn scenes. If the scene asked them to jump up and down naked with green paint being thrown at them there's a good chance they'll do it. Just ask Irish actress Sarah Bolger.

Mom, dad, siblings and grandparents must be proud. (I bet they are.) But no judgement, right? Yea right. Their daughter is just a "sophisticated" version of an an actual pornstar, stripper and some girl with an OnlyFans account.

As one person who's familiar with the industry said, and I paraphrase, "Worlds are created when they shouldn't exist. Occasionally there's nudity." 

Edit: And like clockwork, I opened my search engine to find this in its newsfeed -

Actresses don't need to be on the casting couch to get a role, but they will be pressured to do things in the name of "art" that they're unwilling to do. 

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