Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Here's a new tactic to gain SS"M" supporters ...

Just say you're a homosexual or bisexual (even if you're neither one) to your family members and friends, and BOOM, a handful of converts to the cause of "equality." It works even better if you're a Catholic because then the LGBT activists will say "See! Even Catholics stand against the Church on this teaching!"

It worked with an Ohio state senator when his son came out to him.

The inspiration of this post comes from this thread. I generally like Catholic Answers Forum (CAF); there's some very knowledgeable posters. but sometimes it's eye roll worth inducing.

Some gems (just from the first two pages) from the thread:
 The main problem with Catholics following and, in their hearts, believing in, the teaching that gay people should not have romantic relationships is that most people now personally know gay people, it's not an abstract concept anymore. We have gay and lesbian family members and also work with people of different sexual orientation from ourselves. We know gay couples that have been in committed relationships for many years. I cannot wrap my heart of hearts around the Churchs' teaching on this. At least I know that I'm far from alone in this struggle!
They [gays] can only be married in the Church by denying who they are and marrying someone of the opposite sex. Life is too short to go down this road.
the funny one (I thought so)

I haven't read the whole thread, but I bet there's more.

I'm aware that practicing Catholics will disagree on several of teachings - that is to be expected - but what gets me is that some of the posters within the thread who do support SS"M" really never proposed an argument on why such an extreme view of marriage (to traditionalists) is a sound & "right" way view of marriage. Why letting two people of the same sex is considered a "right"? Why they [supporters], besides emotive reasons, shrug their shoulders in a "What's the big deal?" way when they can't wrap their heads around the RCC position on marriage?

One of the main things that distinguishes the RCC from, say, progressive Protestant sects is that it never budges on its stances. If the RCC said "Okay, we were wrong on marriage being between one man & one woman. Letting two consenting adults, regardless of sex, wed each other is totally fine and the world will continue to spin and one day we'll just laugh at this silliness," then it wouldn't really  be the RCC.

Same sex "marriage" would be the bullet hole in a plane. The plane would lose its cabin pressure, lose altitude and crash. I'm astounded by modern day/liberal Catholics who support same-sex "marriage" and say "But we're still Catholic!" Sure you are, but you're helping make an otherwise stigmatized religion into a stigmatized religion that's eating itself from the inside. *slow clap*

Please, return your BA & MA degrees. Your education has failed you.

*I use to be a same-sex "marriage" advocate, so it's not like I'm coming at this from a "homophobic, bigoted and ignorant" stance. I've been there, I've done that (that being a has-been advocate).

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