When Mitt Romney was secretly taped for saying "the 47%" and was accused of bullying a high school classmate (who supposedly happen to be gay, how convenient) people went ape sh*t. By "people" I mean all his detractors (those struggling financially, those who think he was a WASP, the LGBT lobby, Mexicans and blacks), the press and most of the entertainment industry. He was the most evil, most despicable man in their eyes.
When it was learned that Obama smoked weed in college he was deemed as cool. When Romney created jobs it was seen as 'boring' or not really note worthy.
Now, compare that to entertainers. They can have affairs, they can partake in explicit scenes in film, they can twerk and stick their tongue out while wearing a hideous costume, yet the media, most likely, will A-OKAY them. These types of things are "normal." If an entertainer does find himself receiving criticism, he'll be seen as maligned and misunderstood.
I would guess many under the age of 25 look up to entertainers (I never did), so whenever their favorite entertainer gets stuck in a sticky situation they'd make excuses for them and help portray them as victims of the masses/mob. (It's not like the mob showed up at their front steps and demanded any apologies.) So if it ain't the "the greedy white CEOs" fault, or the Wall Street banker, it's the "the masses" fault.
I would take this is a way of the press, the entertainment world and its admirers admitting that all things aren't equal. What a bizarre way of admitting such a thing.
If entertainers "inspire" millions worldwide, wouldn't that indirectly hold them to a higher standard? It would be rare for a person to look up to a politician as they do an entertainer (if you're that type of person); certainly politicians are looked in a very low light, yet politicians are the ones who practically run the country (with the aided of entertainers endorsing certain social causes).
Modernity doesn't like A) all the normal people B) rich white "square" guys.
And I'm not white.
I said quietly to myself, back in, oh I don't know, 2004-5, "Being a white, (socially) conservative guy in America must suck."This was when I was all liberal and stupid.
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