Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dear dear tumblr

I personally get a laugh on how the media - SI, some guy reporting for SI and John Stewart - try to spin the victim hood card with Michael Sam. Just look here. Apparently the poster is a self-proclaimed feminist. Go figure. (Note the "fist pump" a poster gave as a sign of embrace and agreement.)

There's more madness ... and more laughter. A supposed Canadian take down towards those who voted for the GOP instead of the DNC this past November election has been circulating amongst those under 30 with a tumblr account, all with a Dwayne Johnson gif, even though in real life Johnson probably wouldn't agree with the fools.

I laugh for many reasons. 20% to mock, 30% out of disgust and 50% of the reason I I laugh is because it's just plain funny how stupid & naive "open minded" people are.These are the people who consider themselves fighters of the oppressed, the downtrodden and the weak. These are the people called Social Justice Warriors.

The site that hosted the article about the Canadian disappointment of the November election is called American Against the Tea Party. Within their "about us" section this is what is written:

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” -John Kenneth Galbraith
as well as this as the site's mission -
The hatred, division, virulent, unpredictable anger, violent threats and posturing by the Tea-Baggers present a real danger to the lives of President Obama, his family, his administration, Congressional Democrats and liberals and  progressives of all stripes.  Americans Against The Tea Party is a group committed to exposing the Tea Party’s lies, violence, racism, ignorance, intolerance, bigotry, and corporatist-fascist efforts to subvert our democratic process – and organizing together to defeat Tea Party/GOP candidates on the ballot everywhere.   We support the Occupy movement.   WE ARE THE 99%.  WE ARE AATTP!
Cliche after cliche after cliche.

Poster James Richy seems to agree with the writer of the site and Richard Brunt -

I am sure America can look to Canada for political inspiration of what not to do.

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