"I would be lonely than miserable" Too many married women, after working 8 hours, must come home to cook, help children, do laundry while their husbands "are resting" after 8 hrs work. It's just too much, so many women would rather have the peace and quiet and be single again. Single men/women have "friends with benefits" that solve other problems. Whether married or single, a women must look hard and chose whatever will be easier for her in the future.....Now I'll say this: Not everyone is meant for marriage - some people are called to the religious life (celibacy) and some people just don't do well in relationships so they're single forever. Some never find a person of their opposite sex worthy of a proposal; some women never are proposed to. I've even met some who said their profession, mainly single teachers (male), was their calling and the students were, in some way, their "children." Their quality of teaching is their legacy which, hopefully, resides and influences some of their students.
Onto Gracie. She later comments on another poster's "my wife keeps the house clean while I work outside" asking "Is your wife a stay-at-home-wife or does she work?" Based on the above quote I figure she has issues with women working and doing house chores. I also take that she sees marriage and everything that comes with it as more of a burden - almost like "Whoa is me for having breasts and a vagina with fallopian tubes that aren't tied (yet) - than "it is what it is."
Though just a couple of comments, I think these types of quick "insights" of a modern woman is telling. I know I'm being judgmental, but this mentality is just a turn-off and comes across as sad, confused, pathetic, lost and plain narcissistic.
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