Friday, December 12, 2014

Using celebrities & movies to push an agenda.


In the movie Still Alice the character Lydia (Kristen Stewart) brings up that her roommate is gay. Her mother, Alice (Julianne Moore), doesn't react negatively or positively; she doesn't seem to care either way. Now, I haven't seen the movie and I only know this tidbit because it was brought up on IMDb. The person that brought it up was, I guess, a homosexual or at least liked his own sex and appealed to the "we're people too" card. I'm not disagreeing with the poster on that. But here's what I read:

ever since i saw still alice i just can't stop thinking about the line where she said her roommate was gay. it was just so natural, like it didn't even make a difference. similarly, the way alice didn't react at all is important too and i think julianne moore may be on her way as well. i really think these two can do a lot for gay rights. i can definitely sense a shift in society ever since this movie came out. it seems like it's all downhill from here.
A poster shared skepticism ("It doesn't work that way.) and the OP pushed -

why not? i find her very similar to judy garland actually. she didn't pander to them. she treated them like normal people
One poster pointed out that Stewart is big with lesbians (but not with gay men, which is strange to me) saying it's possible.

All of what the OP said kind of confuses me.

What's weird is that the poster is obviously hinting to LGBT "rights." That's pandering -- giving them what they want -- marriage, adoption etc. I'm not sure of his experiences in the past and how he was treated, but I take that most gay people are treated "normally", like people, just that numerous people don't see homosexuality as "normal" yet treat such people with respect when they meet in real life. It's not like they a ramp to go up an incline surface or that people shift away from them when they see them. I also don't necessarily buy into stories that say that they were fired because of their sexuality. The Matthew Sheperd case was a lie. The waitress saying the coupe didn't leave tip because she was a lesbian was a made up story.

When homosexuals say they aren't treated like normal people they're, I'm taking a stab, talking about marriage most of all. Well, if I go up to my local parish and say that me and my best friend of the same sex wants to get married we'd be denied - not because we're homosexuals (which we aren't) but because we're of the same sex.

I know Mark Ruffalo is a proponent of anti-fracking. A slew of others are on the PETA train. No doubt gay "rights" are a pet issue to the movie industry. Out of all the three social issues I've mentioned the LGBT issue is the most vested in emotions - it's a very easy social issue to bandwagon on.

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