Sunday, January 4, 2015

Arguing with fanboys.

There's so much stupidity on IMDb. I should stop visiting that site, but it's like a car crash in that I have to look for some bizarre reason.

Discussion about an actress whose phone was hacked which revealed nudes.

Fanboy 1: Normal women take nude pictures of themselves.
Poster 1: Well, I consider myself a normal woman and I don't take nude pictures of myself.
Fanboy 2: How do we know you're normal? How do we know who you say you are? What's your name and  social security # so we can look you up and see if you're 'normal'?
Poster 1: What on earth ... Because I said so? I don't have any fetishes nor do I have kids hidden in my basement. I never said people who do take pictures of themselves are not normal.
Fanboy 3: Hey Poster, it's hard to define 'normal.' Many women today take nudes of themselves.
Poster 1: Yea, I know women take such pictures of themselves. I'm not denying that. I'm just saying that this person, me, doesn't. And why do I have to prove my 'normalcy'?
Poster 2: Don't argue with fanboys since they tend to perverts, Poster 1.
Fanboy 2: Poster 2, you're douchebag.

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