The left salivates over those who join their ranks.
Vets who are anti-war.
Straights entering same-sex relationships (some leaving a family behind), be their 'true sexuality' a homosexual or bisexual.
Liberal priests.
Rogue nuns/sisters.
Parents/friends supporting same-sex once dear ones "come out of the closet."
America turning into a more secular society.
Young adults turning away from their orthodox or traditional religion.
Monogamy to polyamory.
Cheating turning into "not a big deal."
Square to wild/free child.
Small town kid disowning his past (friends, family, neighbors) for a worldly living.
Melodic, rich tone for "noise."
Women dressing in androgynous ways to subvert "female expectations." As fashion designer. Stella McCartney, said "to be nothing," or when masculine and feminine characteristics meet as an equal point, so her theory goes.
Children of parents who work 9-5 jobs seek out work that is "non-conformist"; the be "ones boss", not an inferior to "the man."
Societal norms are perceived as bigoted; taboos are accepted.
Evil is turned into "ambiguity"; right & wrong are blurred lines.
Love & sex can easily be separated if we just let go of our sexual hangups.
Sexual partners are always referred to as "lovers."
Military & community service (firefighters, nurses) personal aren't seen as role models, entertainers are.
Teachers don't teach, they preach (about social justice, "equality," global warming, diversity).
Parents don't discipline, they become "friends" of their children; they let kids raise themselves to avoid being "helicopter" parents.
They use these situations as "proof" of the inferiority of so-called archaic, oppressive, non-creative, and claustrophobic Bronze/Victorian Age, 1950s society where everyone except white Christian males were miserable.
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