Friday, November 13, 2015


The oxygen in safe spaces has caused you to go full-retard. Students across the nation have marched in support of Mizzou's and Yale's racial "crisis" while attaching movements like "free tuition."

Even though I'm irritated by the arrogance that resides in the hearts of all those that participated, I can't but admire their cleverness to bandwagon the current racial tension.
#MillionStudentMarch will be a day of local actions all across the country to show support for tuition-free public college, a cancellation of all student debt, and a $15 minimum wage for all campus workers. Each action will be a march followed by a rally.
Never go full-retard.

Someone said this about #MillionStudentMarch, "You see why now Hillary is going to win…… its the entitlement generation that is ruining America and their ranks continue to grow."

This is a huge gain for HRC and Bernie Sander if they were struggling to find traction. Every thing the movement wants Clinton and Sanders promise. Let's list 'em: Free tuition ("Hey, Europe does it, why not the US?"). No student debt ("Capitalism just doesn't work!"). Rise of the minimum wage ("It's inhumane to pay so low!"). 

There's one demographic that the GOP will never win over: The college students. It's not because the student know any better or see what the GOP really is, it's just that The Left have taken over college campuses. The college campus is their church; the professors & administrators are their priests. Obama is the pope that will be "replaced" in November of next year. Who will be the next pope for The Left, Clinton or Sanders?

I will call it before it even happens - I don't believe the GOP will win the 2016 POTUS race. The momentum is too strong for the DNC and The Left - culturally. I don't think it'll be a blowout, though. I have Hilary beating out Sanders for the DNC nomination and later defeating whoever the GOP nominee is.That's three terms of Democratic power in office. I know the Reagan Administration and Bush H.W. Administration counted three for the Republicans, but that seems like it really had no stronghold on the nation. The Left took over academia, entertainment and journalism. They now control the courts. This POTUS race will be defining in that it will dictate how the economy in the US is reformed, the further irrelevancy of how religion plays into the lives of the country's citizens, and how the GOP will further slip down the path of irrelevancy due their inability to actually accomplish something when they do win elections. 

Lights out, America. And shame on you conservatives over 35 for failing to fight. Shame on you.

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