Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Thinking Housewife

I don't think she's an idiot despite a couple of questionable views or a racist (yet). She posts many things that interest me and she comes across as sharp. On the flip side, I think she can be a bit paranoid and somehow relishes seeking out news that give rust on Asians.

"Why do you think this way?" you might ask.

First off she and the regulars on her site are "9/11 Was An Inside Job" types.

Second, she seems to enjoy pointing out the less than admiral actions of Asians, whether in North America or abroad, always with the title "Model Minority: ... "

As an Asian I will say we are a model minority despite what other Asians say so and think. We don't have the incarceration rates of blacks. We achieve more academic success on average than whites. We tend to have sound homes when compared to other minorities in America. As a whole, Asians - when they aren't cheating on the SATs or making money on fake designer purposes, are the model minority that others should look at and Asians should strive for to achieve regardless if they don't want to enter law, medicine, academia or tech.

Being part of a minority that is deemed "The Model Minority" is a good thing, even if that stereotype doesn't fully live up to the fantasies of really white-washed Asians (these are the Asians that have contempt for this stereotype) and what a (white) woman thinks.

TH has her strengths, but she also has her weaknesses and those weaknesses are telling. It shows her (lack of) character and her strange biases. I mean, I'm not going to have posts talking about supposed white-trash living in Kentucky or Missouri to show that whites aren't the ideal despite the whole Western Civilization thing. 

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