Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Non-meat eaters. LOL.

As I said before, unless it's for religious reasons, as in your religion prohibits you from eating any meat, or you can't eat meat due to dietary issues (you can't digest meat well), then reasons for eliminating it is not really persuasive.

Really? Who cares if India has 500 million non-eat meaters. It's fuckin' India. They don't produce Olympic wining athletes. 16 million in the US is about 5% of the population of the country. It's like saying 5% of the population is not straight and therefore the 95% of those not straight probably should experiment with bisexuality. As for China? Let me guess, the China Study.

Non-meat eating is the "new" secular religion in the world. It's a cult, sorta. It's very much like thinking global warming should be an international concern where everyone relies on solar powered everything.

But there was sanity at another site -

He's basically on point on how meat eaters become non-meat eaters. (No, this isn't the same as non-believers reading the Bible and converting.) They read a book (China Study) and then watch a movie (usually Food Inc.) and BOOM almost over night they join the cult. This is way different from religious reasons. I'm sure about his #1 and though his #2 is too vague. A certain diet can "cure" a rotund body. Keep reading.

I lost about 25 pounds by eating 4 oz. of chicken every single day, white rice, 4 oz of farmed fish and frozen veg. It wasn't a short process - about four months. I eliminated processed food as well. Before that I wasn't active due to my job, so I changed that inactive lifestyle and started to exercise daily for about an hour (running and light resistance training).

I don't buy into the cow fart argument. I don't buy into the whole sentient being shit. I'm highly skeptical of the bible called China Study. Also why have most of the non-meat eaters I've come across have been women? Very few have been men.

Moderation when eating meat is key. Food portion is key. Exercising is key.

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