Monday, February 22, 2021

Well Justin, hate to say it, but I bet everything the conservative grandparents warned about is probably true.

Justin's profile and self-description, and him being overweight if not a twig, are pretty spot on when one thinks of his political stripe. I'm surprised he didn't list "soon to be vegan" or "Criterion Collection lover." It's as if the Justin's of the world have a list of particular "must do's" and a vocab list to use once you adopt their mentality. 

Next up for Justin, reddit moderator! I can't wait for that group photo when he gathers with like-minded people.

Friday, February 12, 2021

New Site Added to Link Sidebar: William M. Briggs

William M. Briggs.

I remember the name to which I believe Briggs is a regular poster on Ed Feser's site.  He seems like an erudite person who can hold his own against New Atheists. He's a Election Day 2020 skeptic.

Every now and then a true racist pops its head from The Right to express what you'd think a racist would express.

An article, written by William M. Briggs, in which the following screen cap was posted on was pinged back to an NRx site. Meet "Liberty Mike." Mike wrote the following when Briggs showed some sympathy to military members, whom he referred to as warriors, about the purge that Biden's Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, was planning against conservative officers and enlisted members. 

I actually like some aspects of NRx, one of many denominations of what is called the alt-right. With that said I have come across one racist who didn't believe non-whites could possibly understand what it meant to be part of a male fraternity (Greek Letter Organization) that wasn't race/ethnic focused (i.e. black or Asian fraternities) in America and uphold the organization's values because they simply weren't white. Though Liberty Mike pinged back the article to an NRx site, I am not sure if Liberty Mike is anyway sympathetic to NRx. He might be. I wouldn't be too surprised if he was, given what he said and  by my observations, experience and reading of the general beliefs of those in the NRx camp about race and ethnicity.

It's a strange post by Liberty Mike since the military does not protect what he thinks/wants them to protect. It was never in their job description no matter the MOS in whatever branch and component (Reserve, Guard). What he's upset about is the job of politicians who craft public policy, not the military. Perhaps Mike expects the military to intimidate non-whites or uphold true systemic racism and bigotry.

In his last paragraph, Liberty Mike openly advocates for the firing of anyone for any reason - be it their color of their skin, religion or lack there of, sexual orientation etc. What he wants are the days of the Old West were,  more or less, social anarchy was the rule of law once you passed the Mississippi River. 

Liberty Mike is the white guy who holds many disgusting ideas in his head and diminishes what is actual liberty. Liberty Mike is the guy who doesn't make America great. He's the type you punch in the face - out of your own liberty to enact on your own disgust. 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Should we as a society believe women who say they experienced sexual assault or rape?

 Well should we, just on face value?

My answer is be skeptical. If non-believers say that their non-belief is due to there being no evidence of a divine, then adjust your stance when accusations of sexual assault is brought forth. Say that in each case of an accusation of sexual assault is just that - an accusation  - that has yet to be proven and due to this is devoid of direct evidence. The accused is innocent until proven guilty. 

The same goes for sexism, racism, xenophobia and LGBT+phobia.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Reason for my absence.

I  haven't written for quite some time. Almost a full year and a half starting in late December 2018 then the gap in between that stretched till mid-2020. The reasons are simply: At times I get tired of writing where an idea may seem too grand in its moral decadence, too sewage-like, to write about; sometimes I had an idea I wanted to write about but then time escaped me; though a good chunk would be me focusing on my career where I would completely forget about this blog. It's simple as that. I still view this blog as worthwhile, and practically every idea and thought I espoused I still stand by. 

I always viewed myself as someone who has decent observation skills when it comes to observing society and its people. I trust these skills. There's also no doubt that modernism is at full swing in the most popular facets of society, so there will be ample amount of material to work with. I'll be complaining about something. 

There will probably be some religious and theological posts, maybe starting in mid-2021. Depending how I grow in my faith there may be more.

Today is the first day of Black History Month in the States.

I just received a notification on my phone from GrubHub, a food delivery application, to support black owned businesses. Given what happened last summer where mobile applications like Uber and UberEats prioritized black drivers and black business owners in order to show support aka virtue signal for the black community, brought upon by BLM riots and demonstrations nation- and worldwide, I will not be patronizing any black owned food businesses for the duration of February. My tailors are Hispanic and Asian. I can make my own fried chicken, mac & cheese and collared greens. The more that streaming channels in the form of Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix and Disney+ promote "black voices," I refuse to click on their ads. 

Then again I never celebrated Black History Month in my life; I was lucky enough to attend schools that had curriculums that taught history without the social commentary. As a non-black or white person, it's a fact that such household don't celebrate Black History Month. In my case there were a couple of reasons. First, I never cared to, and second it wasn't relevant to my professional growth despite me working with many African-American people. I'll read plays and novels written by "black voices" on my own time driven only by my curiosity and not by some outside force encouraging me to. But then again even if I don't I don't think I'm missing out on much. Sorry Maya Angelou - you're not a must in my book.