An article, written by William M. Briggs, in which the following screen cap was posted on was pinged back to an NRx site. Meet "Liberty Mike." Mike wrote the following when Briggs showed some sympathy to military members, whom he referred to as warriors, about the purge that Biden's Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, was planning against conservative officers and enlisted members.

I actually like some aspects of NRx, one of many denominations of what is called the alt-right. With that said I have come across one racist who didn't believe non-whites could possibly understand what it meant to be part of a male fraternity (Greek Letter Organization) that wasn't race/ethnic focused (i.e. black or Asian fraternities) in America and uphold the organization's values because they simply weren't white. Though Liberty Mike pinged back the article to an NRx site, I am not sure if Liberty Mike is anyway sympathetic to NRx. He might be. I wouldn't be too surprised if he was, given what he said and by my observations, experience and reading of the general beliefs of those in the NRx camp about race and ethnicity.
It's a strange post by Liberty Mike since the military does not protect what he thinks/wants them to protect. It was never in their job description no matter the MOS in whatever branch and component (Reserve, Guard). What he's upset about is the job of politicians who craft public policy, not the military. Perhaps Mike expects the military to intimidate non-whites or uphold true systemic racism and bigotry.
In his last paragraph, Liberty Mike openly advocates for the firing of anyone for any reason - be it their color of their skin, religion or lack there of, sexual orientation etc. What he wants are the days of the Old West were, more or less, social anarchy was the rule of law once you passed the Mississippi River.
Liberty Mike is the white guy who holds many disgusting ideas in his head and diminishes what is actual liberty. Liberty Mike is the guy who doesn't make America great. He's the type you punch in the face - out of your own liberty to enact on your own disgust.