By using "not all men" modern day feminists are upset that men are being defensive. This is the same upset nature when people throw the "white privilege" card where white men, or even women, become defensive and say that they don't have such privilege. It is believed that by being defensive they are missing the point of what's being said; oddly enough by not understanding and accepting why men are upset modern day feminists skip over the "meet them where they're at" stage that is often practiced in therapy in fields like social work or clinical mental health.
When people use a race or ethnicity nonchalantly in a critical way as in "black people need to focus more on education" to "black people need to raise their kids in a two parent household"; or even imply it like when Mark Cuban said that AAU basketball, which consists of a majority of black people, need to focus on fundamentals more and less on dunking, there is always a whoa whoa whoa wait a sec, What do you mean black people? or Are you saying that the culture found with AAU is inferior - that's racist. There's a double standard at play and I'm positive that those who accuse others of racism for making blanket statements are aware that the same technique is done to men, especially white men.
It's only fair that non-Woke men who hear blanket statements like "men are disgusting and are sexist", or hear things about the supposed patriarchy, that their emotions get riled up, get defensive and want to defend themselves. After all, their own sex is being criticized. Same thing with saying a white man has "white privilege." If a guy is just shooting the breeze at the local bar and says something like "women are too emotional" no doubt a modern day feminist would say that's an example of sexism and toxic masculinity. Of course, it's a general statement and typical, yes, depending on what country you're in women tend to be more emotional than men.
Modern feminists want men to understand them yet it appears that the feminists refuse to understand men. It's as if they sorta kinda want men to literally not get upset by any blunt statement or presentation about dominating men and their beliefs.
What modern feminists refuse to acknowledge is that men are not a monolithic entity, and when talks about patriarchy is brought up they expect men to nod their heads and agree that yes, the patriarchy is horrible. But modern feminists forget to point to an actual patriarchy. What are men to say? What state in what county and in what community? What country? There really isn't any specifics - just vagueness and anecdotal evidence here and there, especially if it's in the US.
You see, as social liberals see the South and the Midwest as horrific places to live, especially for racial, ethnic and sexual minorities, modern feminists (a demographic within social liberalism) see men, in general, as sexist pigs. It's like when an actual racist in the US sees a black person and says quietly to himself That fuckin' nigger. So yes, I just did equate a modern feminist to an American racist - they share the same hate but just for different parties.
As one can see, the arrow usually goes one way, which has been the norm for the past number of year - give or take the last six or seven. You can utter a critical statement about the supposed patriarchy and socially conservative beliefs, but you can't do that with certain demographics (i.e. racial and/or ethnic minorities, women, LGBT+) or else. White males are fair game alongside Christians when it comes to criticism, insults and condescension in the mind of modernism.