Monday, May 3, 2021

Differences between UK/Europe and The USA.


  • Protests and breaks into private property because fans of a soccer club's wealthy soccer/football owner "abused" the fans/supporters by seriously wanting the club to participate in a closed-system tournament consisting of the most competitive clubs across Europe.
  • Protests against police even though their police system is known to have a relatively healthy relationship and perception with and amongst its everyday man, as inspired by police protests and race riots in the US.
  • Protests against the US presidents that they don't like, or gives US politicians they don't like the cold shoulder, who visit their country while salivating over US presidents and politicians that they do like.
  • Sends out sappy instagram post about staying in the EU i.e. David Beckham. 
Summary: Muh soccer/football. Muh EU. I love the NHS.


  • Protests and trespasses onto what is technically public property in the form of nation's Capitol building due to what they believe was a corrupted presidential election stolen by the winning party. 
  • Protests against police and the jailing industrial complex (as they like to call it) who they believe have been treating minorities and people in general unfairly.
  • Doesn't really care what politician visits America with the exception of Kim Jong-un.
  • Broke away from what was considered at the time the world's superpower to form its own country to later overtake the unofficial title of world superpower. 

Summary: Muh fairness and government integrity. Muh social justice. Eagle says cacaaawww!

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