I suppose it's the same with Catholic priests, but then again the issue with Catholic priests going all socially "progressive" because either they have same-sex attraction themselves or some other sexual disorder doesn't have much of the same effect as a prominent Protesant's fall from grace.
- Jerry Fallwell Jr., the then face of Liberty University, and his wife Becki Tilley's unknown open relationship with a pool boy starting in 2012 that carried on for a few years after the initial meeting. Like really?
- A number of children of Protestant pastors either losing their faith and going to atheism (i.e Abraham Piper) or even making a living as a pornstar.
- A female Protestant pastor in order reconcile with her bisexuality, found more liberal Christian viewpoints but ultimately decided to leave her faith to eventually become a stripper and "life coach" (a most likely unlicensed and self-serving position). Her husband accepted her bisexuality but that wasn't enough - she divorced him (somehow she was able to gain child custody of her three kids as she was reported to laugh about her divorce) since she yearned to make money where being a SAHM (stay at home mom) wasn't financially fulfilling. In one month she made 47k in her new profession. On an old YouTube vid of her preaching a commenter wrote - "She was an exhibitionist before she decided to go professional."
- Protestant youth group leaders turning out to be homosexuals unknowingly to their girlfriends or even wives. I mean, can you not know or suspect? Even if the guy isn't an outright queen or flamboyant there are signs (timber of voice, body language). When a young Jesuit priest came to say his first mass at his home parish his voice sorta-kinda gave away his sexuality.
- Devout Protestants losing their faith as they learn about deconstructionism, where, logically, they go to agnosticism and then to atheism. These types of atheists are more well-verse in the Bible but also tend to be Gnu Atheists. Or they're ex-conservatives turned atheist in the form of Hunter Avallone (supposedly he was influenced by his wife to leave conservatism).
Do you see anything that most of these stories have in common? Sex, sexuality and then money. Or as one podcast entitled their episode about the Fallwell Jr. scandal - "In God We Lust." And the influence of women arguably acting as Eve with an apple.
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