Besides the "coexist" message, it's mainly in support for same-sex "marriage" and to rid the world of any stigma that such a relationship may bring. How did I come to that conclusion? Read on (my comments in bold).
(1) The first relationship was that of a same-sex relationship -- two females to be exact. First impressions right?
(2) Later on it shows two homosexuals with a child -- "love makes a family"/"family is family" card (even one of the guys admits it). Since now you're eased into the same-sex relationship, we'll bump it up a notch.
(3) The biggest, the song "She Keeps Me Warm" by Mary Lambert is used in the background. The moment I recognized it I knew what was the main goal for the ad. Lambert is featured singer in Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' "Same Love."
I then went on their website and read what was written about the ad.. It only confirmed my suspicions.
98% of thinking is done in our subconscious mind
Most Americans agree that people should be treated respectfully and fairly. Yet many people in the United States still report feeling discriminated against. For example, one in five LGBT people report feeling there is little or no acceptance of their community. Six in ten Latinos report that discrimination is a major problem and a majority of African Americans report that they are not satisfied with the way they are treated in society.
The reason might be that we're actually discriminating unintentionally--some call this implicit bias. Implicit bias influences how we treat people and how we interact with each other. More broadly, it can perpetuate disparities by impacting someone's ability to find a job, secure a loan, rent an apartment or get a fair trial. To end bias, we need to become aware of it. And then we need to do everything within our power to stop it in ourselves, others, and institutions.
The Diversity & Inclusion campaign encourages everyone to reconsider the biases that we don't even know we have. Visit to find ways to challenge bias in themselves and others.I'll add another reason - (4) The homosexual couple with the kid is front and center on Ad Council's site. The people that usually fall into the "coexist" come later. Clever. Real clever and insidious.
Also, note that it said "feeling." My Feels. Not reported crimes; not video taped crimes; not even eye witnesses of crimes. Feelings.
As writes "Before anything else, we are all human. It’s time to embrace diversity. Let’s put aside labels in the name of love." The site even has a test to gauge how bias you are.
"You have latent homophobia and racial profiling! How horrid you are! You scum!"
I find this all immensely ironic since Ad Council's specialty is advertisements, which focuses on ones psychology in order to create simple, easy to consume ads to sway the population into thinking a certain way. It's really no different than political smearing when campaigns are in session military ads. They talk about the latent prejudices -- something psychological -- and want us (the so-called bigots) to confront them and to buy into the "love has no labels" mantra using their own concocted advert to manipulate our psychology.
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