Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Youtube #DearMe

Self-esteem project. #GenerationPathetic

Now, before I watched it I thought to myself "Hmmm, let me predict the pearls of 'wisdom' that shall be said ... " This is what I came up with:

Be who you are.
Don't be ashamed of what you are (mostly geared towards LGBT).
Don't follow the crowd; be an individualist.
Be Crazy.
Be a Freak.
Follow your dreams.
Only you decide what is right and wrong.
Follow your heart.
Love is all you need.
Love is love.

Then I watched it. It's just a self-esteem/"YOU GO GIRL GO GET IT!" project. Not one single male.

Some were mentioned - others were decent enough advice. In the context that I'm thinking of the advice and what the youtubers put them in is completely different. 100% these are used in a modern context - to reject traditionalism and conservatism.

There was one comment that I did like, as I skimmed over the combox -
Let me clarify for all the feminist out there bitching that men are just whining because they are not the center of attention it is because we are not the center of attention it is because the internet is flooded full of these videos to help women and few to none to help men. If Google where to do something like this for mens day Google would be burned at the stake. 
 I don't think Google would be "burned at the stake" -- it's that Google would most likely would never attempt this for the men. If it were to do such a thing, there would be some sort of backlash, enough to make headlines that would more than click bait, and someone on the exec board would issue a formal apology.

Other comments that got the most votes -
Where is the guys
 and "How about some older ladies with a little more perspective instead of a bunch 20 somethings who spent more time applying their make-up than they did on the video,"

and (transgender)
While I think this is a great project, I'm wondering why it has to be exclusive for women to do it? Just because it's women's day? 
I am a man, but I was born anatomically a woman. I went through the same struggles and still do because I don't pass well as a man. We should be working to inspire humans as a whole to be themselves.
 No, you're a women THINKING you're a man. If I were the person reviewing the submitted videos for #DearMe I'd automatically put you in the female videos. You got a a vagina and breasts, no matter small those breasts may be. You got tits that produce milk for babies. Men don't.

one more -
Why aren't all the men commenting in a negative way about how this is sexist make videos like this? What is stopping you from making serious content that shows that you don't have to be how society makes you feel? Just because women are giving other women advice (because believe it or not, we don't know what it's like to be a man and never will) doesn't mean anything against men, in this instance it's not about you because we can't speak on behalf of you. Stop commenting and get creating. 
Because society is just one uber patriarchy forcing women in boxes ... Sure ... Oh the horror! Oh the stifling atmosphere of non-creativity and squares! Bold:  Yes, I do see where you're going but many of these self-esteem projects are geared towards women or the "rebel with freaky hair" types. Also, be careful about the "We're different sexes so we can't give the other sex advice" -- that sort of blows up what the transgender said about "born anatomically a woman." I mean, is it based on biology now or based on #feelings? I'm confused. Italics: A very common tactic used. It, general, means: Stop voicing opinions/stop-discussion so to let the combox be devoid of anything critical.

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