Sunday, January 28, 2018

Youtube secularists.

It's entertaining when some secularist on youtube responds to a post appealing to Bible verses. One secularist said this in return:
"The bible says a lot of nonsense. Would you like to be executed for wearing 2 different types of cloth? I thought not. Or maybe you'd like to hear the bible's rules on slavery and that it's OK to beat them to death as long as they take over 24 hours to die."
So I figured that the person either picked and choose the "nonsense" or got his ammo from some anti-theist page. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

As I said before, a gnu atheist is a gnu atheist.

What I mean by this is that a gnu atheist will display the same bitter and dickhead attitude towards religion regardless of where his politics lie. He could be a centrist, or leftist, or a liberal or someone on the right. He could be apolitical.

In today's world culture wars are multilayered. There is a left-right divide and there is a secular-religious divide. I've concluded that even if the world "corrects" itself and stops his "global citizen" bullshit there is still secular-religious divide. This particular divide is what ultimately will define civilization. Take for instance the current lost of a Republican candidate to a blue dog Democrat in Wisconsin's special election this month. One poster thought it was due to the Republican's religious talking points that drove away voters (as if that ever proved to be the case of a loss in any election, local, state or federal). This is poster believes in a racial homogeneous America. But he's also a gnu atheist. In an America Thinker article the writer of the piece doesn't mention religion, but the poster did.

A poster named Spaghetti wrote -
"It would not surprise me if the repubs were also spouting off about religion and the evils of abortion, two issues that drove sane repubs (yours truly) away 2 decades ago. Also, it would not surprise me if an AT journalist failed to mention, or even recognize, that in their defeats. ( A la psycho Roy Moore... Religion in AL)."
Those who were "driven away" from the Republican side to wherever are either social progressives or believe the current GOP is filled with RINO's. The former seems to be the case of Spaghetti. He then later blathered more about religion.
"Sorry, but people who pray to and believe in imaginary beings are by definition, insane. And, just because those insane who believe in another stupid religion other than yours, does not make them any dumber than you. Pssst, keep preaching this crap and watch more democrats win elections."
This isn't necessarily new. Atheists who tend to be libertarian tend not to hide their loathing of the "Religious Right," believing that they are the reason for losses to Democrats. In the case of Spaghetti his politics are irrelevant now since he has demonstrated that he is the enemy even though he might not be a prog himself. It's not because he in not religious or a believer in a divine, but because his attitude is the same pure hatred that the left usually shows for religion. He is just one step away from being of the left.