Saturday, June 9, 2018

I like your sport, not your fans.

I enjoy sports. Being a spectator is awesome (depending on the weather) and participating in organized and non-organized sports has been a favorite pastime of mine. But remember I like sports, not so much its fans or whatever politics snags the shoes of its players.

Out of the major sports played in the States the following ranks how liberal/regressive each fanbase is.

Image result for MLS 

1. Soccer (MLS): Simply the most liberal and there's no other way to go about it. I have a good feeling that many, many liberals found a sport to attach themselves to since the MLS is still fairly new and soccer (or football) is most popular sport worldwide, so it's where they saw fertile land to insert their politics. Growing up I'm quite sure the MLS was never this liberal, but in the past decade liberals have felt empowered to watch the sport while wearing scarfs of their favorite team when it's 65+ degrees outside. They probably couldn't make enough in-ways in American football, baseball, hockey and basketball, so they chose soccer.

Note: I for one loved the old MLS logo. Get ready to cringe: The new logo has symbolism to it.

Image result for MLB logo

2. Baseball (MLB): I read that baseball has liberal fans but conservative players. I think this is somewhat accurate. I've been on the receiving end of arguments where I basically was swarmed by 4 or 5 fellow baseball fans who disagreed with me. Irregardless of my arguments the spectators tend to keep politics out of the game.

Image result for NBA logo

3. Basketball (NBA): Yep, there are liberals here. I akin the liberalism within the basketball fanbase as the liberalism found in the parents whose kids are involved in Boy Scouts of America. Not a majority of liberals, but when the moment strikes they'll express views that would forever change the organization if not the game (e.g., had parents admit that they wanted to make BSA co-ed as far back as the 90's and while whole fully supporting openly gay scout leaders in).

4. American Football (NFL): There are liberals here, but they're more so about the game. You'd be surprised how many fans support Colin Kapernick and the kneeling as they express how racist cops are. You'll even get vets who gives zero shits about the flag.

Image result for NHL logo

5. Hockey (NHL): I bet there are fair amount of liberals it's just I never really saw an argument where liberals were in full force.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Girls I wouldn't date.

I consider myself rather "open minded" when it comes to dating, as in dating to marry, not dating just because or because feelings are reciprocated type of modern shit. But there are some deal breakers.

If the girl doesn't eat meat then we may have an issue. It's not a deal breaker. If she can't eat meat because her digestive system cannot process it, okay. If she's like some person who sees her identity on what she doesn't eat, like those who make their youtube channel about veganism, and if she's a vegan cultist then friends is the best we'll ever be.

Now, if the girl supports abortion then that's a major deal breaker. I can't date let alone marry a person who supports abortion. She can be gorgeous, smart, have a cute personality, good with money, and have little to no emotional baggage and I still wouldn't even consider her as marriage material. Because let's face it, she isn't for that one simple fact she supports abortion.

I wouldn't actually date an atheist - I just don't want to waste my time with that because I want my faith to be carried onto our children. The likeliness of the atheist supporting this is most likely slim.

I wouldn't date a Muslim or a Jew simply for the fact that our faiths just don't align on many things and, like them, want my faith - the Catholic faith - to be the one our children are raised in.

Now where does this "open minded" claim come from you might ask, after all I did state specific deal breakers. Well, I don't mind if the girl isn't the cutest, or if she's a bit chubby, or if she's not rolling in dough. I don't care much if she has a sizeable chest or if she has a butt that screams "squats." I don't care if she isn't "thick" aka thick legs. Aesthetically I'm fairly reasonable which encompasses how she looks with and without clothes. In a very cliche way, it's what inside that is the goldmine. I want to know how she thinks and why. I want her to align with my values. She can have one arm and I wouldn't care (I've seen a girl with just one arm and she was cute as heck).

So ideally a Catholic (if not, then a Christian) woman who supports life from conception till death. She can even have tats even though I think tats are ultimately hideous.

I believe my standards are reasonable given the day and age I'm living in. I seek someone different for the sake of truth, beauty, goodness. Lemmings mate and produce more lemmings. I want someone who is above a lemming.