Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Dating and religion (or lack thereof).

Simply put: I will not date an atheist who says religion is a "fairy tale."

Reasons being:

1. At least for Christianity, it's not even a fairy tale in terms of what constitutes a fairy tale.
2. There's a certain amount of arrogance in someone who actually has the gall to to think, let alone say, such a thing.
3. It's rather childish. Ironic.
4. There's no intellectualism behind the insult.
5. There's a certain amount of insecurity as well. Again, ironic.

My heart sinks a little when I find the atheist is rather attractive as well.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trump had denounced the white nationalist alt-right sect.

Now I don't think Trump has a good grasp on what the alt-right actually is and what it entails, the good and the bad.

Regardless, it's a good thing he has done this because ethno-nationalists like Richard Spencer, and all the anti-Semites have been given a clear message: thanks for the support, glad you voted for me, but we gotta cut the cord.

I'll admit, I'm somewhat sympathetic to the whole white identity thing, understanding their realization that America is being flooded with immigrants with academia and the media smiling quietly as it happens. After VP Biden said that whites being the minority is a good thing, seeing multiculturalism as a peak of progressiveness, I understand their feelings of betrayal. In some way The Left created the white nationalism sect of the alt-right.

With that said, Spencer totally fucked up when he included "Hail Trump!" As one youtube comment puts it - "Alt-right is over for a white identity group because of a bunch of stupid LARPing autistic retards doing the Nazi salute while the media is filming." The fact that the whole white identity branch is rather cringeworthy to begin with it never was going to pick up real steam anyways.

I just find it a little funny, this whole event. White nationalists like Spencer were so excited about Trump's election only to shoot themselves in the foot 13 days later.

"I guess Trump wasn't our guy after all....." one white nationalist puts it after learning about the President-Elect's dismissal of them. He never was.

Beware of the pro-LGBT non-prog.

For they sing the same tune of "being more accepted." Writer Liberty Wolf is a transgender who classifies himself as a classical liberal. He's a smart guy, but what I've seen from many LGBT non-progs who fall under any of the letters is that they support their own kind in terms of "rights."

Here's what Liberty Wolf wrote (emphasis my own) -
"I’ll admit that I have yet to watch the Bruce Jenner interview with Diane Sawyer that is making headlines today.  I am very burned out on trans issues and mostly I yawn when I hear of a news story.  Even so, I have to admit that apparently, we are making progress.   There’s no question that today it is easier and more acceptable to medically transition than it was when I began in 1989.   Certainly, people who change their sex and legal and social gender are still pariahs, on both the left and the right – but we are more accepted than we have ever been and certainly more visible.  Visibility erodes the mystery and a more informed public is less fearful and hopefully, in time, a little less confused.  It is still not an easy road for anyone and I don’t recommend it unless transition is really something that you must do.  Even so, if it is right for a person it is the best thing, and can save a person’s life and open up new vistas.  So, I am going to watch the Jenner interview.   The weight on Jenner’s head to say all the right things for all of us is enormous and no one can.   Each person is ultimately only representative of themselves although certainly each visible trans person often has many things in common with other trans people.  And also, many characteristics in common with other Americans or people all over the world.  That should be obvious but it isn’t always."
There is a similar mentality that is held with the LGBT non-progs that they share with the LGBT leftists: their acceptance just needs familiarity, visibility and time.

"Don't worry. Your wife will accept your Wednesday beatings as a sign love. All you have to do is keep it up and she'll eventually get use to it."

Liberty Wolf pleads his case here.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Blocking my posts.

Neo-neocon decided to block my posts on one of her articles concerning discussion of Stephen Bannan and the alt-right. I simply just posted my thoughts on the racist, white supremacist, white identity sect of the alt-right. Generalizing the alt-right as racist and anti-Semitic is unfair.

Neo-neocon is a smart lady, but she keeps pushing the belief that the alt-right is indeed racist. Other posters have noted that has let the unsavory part of the alt-right to rule the comment box, which is true. She still thinks the alt-right is racist and anti-Semitic (neo-neocon is a secular, ethnic Jew). 

She probably thought my posts weren't adding anything to the discussion and, as she said in another article of hers, "I know you're trying to help" when I suggested to not care when she expressed worry for some of her close friends and family members deciding to move to Canada after Trump's historic election win. I think my comment greatly miffed her.

It's not like I felt she took my thoughts with any seriousness or respect in the first place. Then again I don't think most of the sites I visit and comment on see me as a person whose opinions should be taken seriously.

Such is politics and debate.  Such is life. As for this blog, I just write to get my thoughts out in order to make sense of what I'm experiencing. There's no doubt I annoyed the handful of visitors that I'm able to attract, probably making them think that their time here isn't worth spending.


12.14.16 Another post of mine was published but later deleted by neo-neocon. I've come to the conclusion that my posts are only valid on certain non-political threads, say, like art or ballet. I suppose I'm not adding anything to her political posts hence their deletion.

Monday, November 14, 2016

I can smell a liberal a mile away.

Not really, but you get the idea.

I'm a 2nd Amendment supporter. I was on CAF earlier this morning and there was a thread about an Indianapolis 4 yr old shooting her mother and herself due to an unsecured firearm. Both are in stable condition. It's a horrific event nonetheless. But here's what the OP had to say -

Robert Sock: "When will people learn that having a gun in the house is a bad thing! Please pray for the girl and her mother."

and: " Guns scare me"

Those who are anti-gun tend to be largely scared of guns. Which side is filled with fear/phobia again?

He then says that anyone who keeps a gun due a break has mental problems: "Explore the statistics on this, what are the chances of somebody breaking into your home to do violence to you or your loved ones? Anybody who believes that the chances are great is a bit paranoid, perhaps even schizophrenic"

The poster has been like this for the entire time I stumbled upon his posts. There are others like him, but I'm not sure if he's being a troll or half-serious or actually serious. Either way he's an idiot.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The patheticness of red pillers.

"Given my understanding of female nature, I sometimes wish I was gay. Heterosexuality on the part of men is somewhat akin to biologically enforced slavery."
I get the feeling that the poster doesn't know what enforced slavery actually is. I also get the feeling that he has little luck with women or that he's incapable of being in a long term relationship.

This is the first time I heard someone entertain the idea of committing sodomy acts for the sake not being "tied" to the opposite sex. Who in their right mind would ever want that?

Friday, November 4, 2016

So you're a Cubs fans and from Chicago, huh? Me too.

I'm a Cubs fan. My maternal grandfather watched the Cubs and with the help of my college roommates my Cubs fandom blossomed.

I can't say I didn't mind the club's losing ways before the Ricketts bought them and the hiring of Epstein. It was baseball and and as long as I could be at Wrigley Field watching the Cubs it made the pain of supporting a losing team all the more bearable. Baseball was Americana as cheerleaders and cast irons. I wanted to experience Americana and I did.

Now, it's pretty interesting to learn that every other person expressing their joy of the Lovable Losers Winners winning the World Series is "from Chicago" and a "life long Cubs fan." Oh really? How very interesting.

The fandom of the Cubs is wide reaching but I can't help but question the authenticity of these out-of-the-woodwork fans. Take this video for instance, taped at Joe's Brewery in Urbana, Illinois, where many Illinois students were celebrating the Cubbies' win.

How many are actual Cubs fans? Do they even know that there's another MLB team in Chicago called the White Sox? Trivia: What does "full count" mean? And you're from Chicago? What neighborhood?

Anyways, this all sounds petty and part of it is, but damn, it never bothered me before but since it's full-out Cubbie blue in the past few days I now understand the annoyance.