Banning it from sales is another knee jerk reaction. It is similar when people wanted to re-name french fries to Freedom Fries.
Of course, this is mostly due the stigma attached to the flag. Many see it as equal to the Nazi flag. When people think of the Confederate flag, at least those who are socially "progressive," they think of almost everything redneck-ish and everything that is "embarrassing" about America. This includes slavery which was present in confederate states, racism, lynching and murders in the name of white supremacy. On face value all of these things seems to form a reasonable argument to hold the flag in contempt and to ban it. I feel that the narrative, coming from social "progressives" and a modern day liberals, is incomplete. This is not to say I support slavery, lynches or white supremacy; this is to say that the black & white (the irony) picture painted by anti-Confederate flag, anti-South types, has a shallow feeling to it.
H.K. Edgerton sees things differently.
The banning of the flag is another pathetic attempt at a "Je suis Charlie." It's a another "Hands up, Don't shoot!" attempt at solidarity. Well, Islam extremists are still causing havoc - the whole "Je suis Charlie" lasted no longer than a week and the man who agitated the terrorists was an actual bigoted atheist; turns out Brown's cry of "Hands up, Don't shoot!" mantra was born out of lies.
A ridiculous thing that has been born out of S.C. shooting is that news/culture journalists are asking Republicans and whites to take responsibility for the tragedy. I'm not white, but I find that downright insulting. Of course, journalists who say this don't like Republicans (I'm an independent voter despite by politics) and they play off the childish belief that if you're a Republican, and white, that you're probably a closeted racist and that the plight of blacks and whatever 'oppressed' group is due to the ideologies coming from the backwards, gun-toting, people who live places like the South.
Do you know what, forget what the S.C. governor and her backers say about it. Forget the confederate flag haters. I'd rather see it be flown than the Rainbow Brigade of Non-Straights Flag. In fact, I'm going to purchase a confederate flag right now.
UPDATE: Alabama governor orders Confederate flag to be taken down from state's capital building.
If the governor of both South Carolina and Alabama feel that the Confederate flag doesn't have a place at the state's capitol what other social "progressive" issues will they back? Answer: The Supreme Court will decide on gay "marriage" this week, which absurdly is seen as the same as racial segregation and conjures up feelings of what the Confederate flag means to social "progressives."
Again, modernism - when bought into - is filled with irony. They want to erase (and only bring back the past when it's convenient) certain aspects of culture that irate them (and usually they have little to no experiences, if not understanding, with these aspects), yet they tend to replace it with something that is inferior.
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