Marriage died yesterday. That is real marriage. The burial will take a while - probably a generation, once the millennials have kids. The millennials, according to the latest Pew Research statistics, support same-sex "marriage" at 80%. They will raise their children in their ways & beliefs. These kids will attend universities that are bastions of liberalism and will grow up like their parents. In that way same-sex attraction is the new normal.
I wonder, twenty or so years from now, what will be the new normal? Same-sex activists say they are glad to be out of a job since their goal was completed (or so they say), so I wonder who will be the "new black." My guess transgenders. Now that will be an interesting rationalization.
All in the name of equality and "rights."
A poster, Melanie, over at Thinking Housewife brings up a point that has been said a few times.
I suppose it is to be expected when God and procreation are divorced from the marital embrace.
I was in a discussion with young lady who
asked, why shouldn’t homosexuals be married when people are divorcing
left and right and sexually promiscuous before marriage? Indeed, why
I blame the leaders within the Catholic Church and their failure to do their jobs.
Though I don't see that common divorce and pre-marital sex as sound reasons to change the two distinctive parties (male & female) to "two people regardless of sex," the commonality of said actions brings about the type of thinking the young lady expressed. I heard that Pope Francis was writing about climate change as the US government decided on "equality." Yesterday a couple of bishops issued out dissent about the ruling - well too late. Where were you in the precedent years? Non-religious aren't listening, "rights" activists don't care and so-called "conservatives" that support this ruling on libertarian stances do no favors to whatever conservatism they have. The leaders of the Church have failed miserably and the Catholics who commit divorce where there is no physical or psychological abuse, or infidelity, the Catholics and fellow Christians who have pre-marital sex are also heavily to blame. You became lazy and became "of this world."
According to Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, in his closing paragraph of the majority vote, the so-called union between two people of the same sex is marriage. Not same-sex "marriage," just "marriage." There shall be no distinction; the old and the new version will meet under one umbrella. It's also the grandest height of expression of commitment between two people expresses Kennedy That I agree with, sort of, but that all falls to pieces since it's mostly based on sentimentality. It's a shallow appeal.
As I sit typing this there is silence. Besides the sound of my keyboard and the hum of the computer tower there is silence. Outside my window there are a couple of birds chirping. According to the forecast it's partly sunny with a high of 72 degrees. I have yet to experience today's weather but within a few minutes I will; I have some outdoor tasks to do. Once I get outside, onto the lawn, there will be more noise mainly due to my yard work. I will work in silence and, unlike the birds, will not be chirping. I won't be for a while.
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