Monday, June 29, 2015

KKK to plan a rally outside S.C. courthouse.

Oh boy. These people are actually planning to assemble in public. 

If this rally is approved by the governor ... I don't know what the results will be. I wouldn't be surprised if the Black Panthers show up. The Army National Guard of S.C. would most likely be called upon to help keep the peace.

As someone who has heard of the KKK I'm bizarrely looking forward to this. It is not because I support what they believe in or say, but because I never saw them live. I've seen the white hoods in pictures. I've watched Birth of A Nation; I've seen their depiction in O Brother, Where Art Thou? The closest thing that I've witnessed to the KKK were Neo-Nazis and the Dylan Roof types.

It's like hearing about an infamous legend that has been rarely seen since your birth, and it sending a note to the community saying "Heads up motherfuckers. I got a meet and greet on this date. Be there." It's as if one of Satan's minor demons was provoked thanks to the political correctness to get rid of the Confederate flag and all things that reminded people of the Civil War.

This is when smart phones come in handy to capture confrontations.

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