Monday, June 8, 2015

Let's not focus on entertainment, youtube.

But instead shows the company's social leanings. Since a historic decision will be made this month of June on whether same-sex "marriage" will be made law of the land by fiat by Supreme Court justices (it will - there's so much momentum on ss"m" supporters side and enough justices have expressed their support) the insidious Wells Fargo commercial was shown on the site's front page. See below.

All art is propaganda, supposedly. Many in journalism on the left see American Sniper and ads paid by the military as "right wing" propaganda. It's debatable that American Sniper is propaganda; I won't deny that military ads aren't - yet I don't mind military ads because I believe we need a strong military and there are many values that come with the military life. I suppose you can ask "Why not have both?" Why not be in support of "equal rights" (supporters will use this 'equality' card instead of gay 'rights' every now and then just to appeal to the 'universal right') and the military? You can. But there's a higher (mindful) tradition for a strong and proud US military. There is a somewhat pathetic and absolutely vapid appeal to the two women raising a deaf child story. 

What I realize about the commercial is that the deaf girl shown to be adopted is already living an unusual, if not unique, life strictly by the virtue of her handicap. Add on that handicap of being deaf with two guardians of the same sex, but not just any guardians who are of the same sex -- two people attracted and acting on their same-sex attraction. They could not produce a child by their sexual acts since their attempt at consummation is ultimately a dead end. This is a blatant attempt by the creatives at Well Fargo to push the "Love Makes A Family" slogan.

Youtube and Wells Fargo knows very well what's at stake this month. Ireland's decision by popular vote to usher in same-sex "marriage" is the momentum that LGBT activists and supporters dream of. Such a group of people only need enough of the nine in black to vote "yes." They will.

Once that happens speaking against same-sex "marriage" and relationships will be seen as a greater crime/thought crime than racism. To be against such relationships will be considered one of the greatest inhumane things to hold in ones mind in the 21st century. You will be seen in the same light as the KKK and the Nazis. Nathaniel Hawthorne's "A" has evolved into a "B" (for bigot). If you voice dissent you will be named a "bigot" and be shunned in social circles, face sudden job instability and will be pounded by online harassment like no other. There will be professors - when they aren't dealing with students - who will go after you. It's a celebrity's tweet and, if they're in a sam-sex relationship, their 'personal' life verse your. It's a Michale Sam versus you. It's academia, the entertainment world, the media and social "progressives" versus you.

These are the very same groups who snidely mock so-called conformists & uncool people - the pencil pushers, the lowly paid workers, the family with three or more kids - who will say "history is on our side" to "The times are changing, so change with it." They, when it suits them, loathe peer pressure and what society supposedly tells them to do. Now, they are society who want you, the opposer, to fall in line if not to shut up. If you don't? They'll slap on the "B" and until you repent - even then you're still looked at as a loser and asshole - you will have hatred towards you.

With that said, I have a great feeling that a majority of the LGBT activists and supporters never actually put an effort into understand the opposing side. They look at it in a secular angle so religious angles will not satisfy them. Even secular angles against same-sex "marriage" and adoption will be thrown away on a simple basis of nonsense and phobia. It happened to Mark Regerus and his study. Feelings rule, not sound arguments - not philosophy - not an appeal to a greater plain that is above "the feels."

The modernists will deny the decline of society (they see "decline" as in war, good judgment, lack of support of "progressive" ideas). They will deny responsibility and the lost of (higher) standards.

Welcome to 21st fascism. It's the same fascism as of old, but it reaches its peak on social media and in so-called journalism. I mean, how could you not support - at least don't give a hoot - about same-sex "marriage"? It's the enlightened and "right" thing to do.

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