Cult of Dusty
Jaclyn Glenn
The Non-Believer
The Amazing Atheist
I enjoy their thoughts. They make me laugh. More, I enjoy their bios.
Let's look at one youtube atheist called Atheism-Is-Unstoppable's bio.
Ahhh. The bitter yearning for an evolved and sophisticated future as we slowly leave our "ignorant, patently moronic and barbaric history." Sanity? Who defines sanity? The irony here is that AISU projects the same "be counted and let your voice be heard" as The Left when it comes to suppose oppression and unfairness while numerous channels he subscribes to are critical of the The Left.
Just another step in the all too important process of shaking free from our ignorant, patently moronic and barbaric history, this channel serves to openly point out the laughable nature of religious thought, expose it for it's absurdity and falseness and push the needle towards rational thought and sanity.The mission, if there was one, is to rally together people who have the cognitive wherewithal to figure out that there are no invisible sky daddies, or elves, or unicorns for that matter. To stand up and be counted as someone who isn't obviously deluding himself for the sake of feeling cozy and happy at night, or for the pursuit of the grand daddy prize of any narcissist, eternal life. The point is to give voice, a loud, unafraid, and strong voice to those that would use reason and critical thought - to those that actually value science and evidence.I am just a guy who saw The Life Of Brian as a child, and figured it out. This isn't rocket science, people.
He then goes on accusing Christians of narcissism for their quest for eternal life. Given that many Christians are rather generous with their money and Christians were the ones who helped establish universities, hospitals and orphanages AISU displays his own ignorance. He also comes across as narcissistic.
Did I mention the "be counted and let your voice be heard"? I did, but I want to add on something to that. He goes full retard and borrows the LGBT mantra, sorta - "give voice, a loud, unafraid and strong voice to those that would use reason and critical thought - to those actually value science and evidence." Hmmm. Love is love. Gender is a social construct. Ones sex when raising a child doesn't really matter (two people of the sex is better for a child!). The last greatly relies on social sciences which is known to be political charged and has replication problems.
How about Non-Believer? Okay, let's take a look.
Don't be set in your ways, guys! Did you hear that? Because if you weren't you wouldn't be a believer. You got to mix it up. You got to move around. You got to wear a different pair a sneakers Fridays. Wear green instead of referring to your usual blue. Change, guys. Change.This channel is documentation of the evolution of me. You can see my views on certain topics changing as I get more into my anti-theism. This is a good thing and I recommend everyone to have an open mind and not be set in their ways. I am all about breaking down barriers and will never skirt the real issues in the world. I yell a LOT! I also get up close and personal and talk to you on a human level. I am not just another YouTuber that screams, or pretends to be something I am not. What you see, is me.If you tolerate the intolerance, I do not tolerate you. YOU are the fucking problem. Keep enabling these irrational, 1st-7th century beliefs. See where that gets us as a society.If you enjoy someone losing their fucking minds, subscribe to my channel and I will NOT disappoint!
At least this Gnu admitted he's an anti-theist. I like the "close and personal and talk to you on a human level" after he says he yells alot.
"Hey, despite that I'm a nice guy. So any chicks out there want my number, just ask!"
And he's a real person. How real? He pleads that he isn't "just another Youtuber that screams, or pretends to be something" he's not. What you see it what you get. How refreshing.
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