Thursday, April 21, 2016

You know they have an agenda.

Sociology Phil Zuckerman, an atheist, says that children in secular households turn out better than kids raised in religious homes.

Studies are lauded when it shows that children come from same-sex households "show no difference" when compared to kids raised with a mother and father. In fact, the narrative goes even farther: kids raised in same-sex households sometimes turn out better.

Studies like the Mark Regnerus study showing that same-sex households raising kids are worse? You get sites like coming into existence. You get a very disdainful sociology professor at SIU (who has a blog that shows his true side) tearing it apart. You get a governing body of social research to send a professor, said SIU professor,  to vet every page.

I mean, really?

The end goal is to officially establish The New Normal.

We have young couples in San Francisco, opposite sex, who wish that their kids turn out to be LGBT because it'll be more interesting and they'll score extra points for being so open-minded towards their LGBT child.

We have people calling couples of the opposite "breeders."

And we have pissed off college students who actually believe in "white privilege."

These people don't need (sound) studies or debate. All they need is momentum. 

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