Friday, April 1, 2016

New link added.

What a coincidence, sorta. The new link added is called Alter & Throne: One God, No Masters.

It's a libertarian and anarchist site. As their philosophy proclaims -
Here at Altar & Throne, we seek to be a voice for the victim marginalized by coercive power and institutionalized violence, standing with the Lamb of God who vacated the divine throne and suffered, bled, and died for every soul in a world pervaded by corruption and unrighteous conflict.
What's Wrong With the World (W4) comments on libertarianism and how it's ultimately a failed philosophy.

Some of the writers at A&T are non-denominational Christians while others are Anabaptists. Interestingly enough, underneath their Christianity tab there is a sub-tab called "The Way." I'm not sure if it has anything to do with The Way International, though I did notice a decent number of the writers have Ohio ties.

To start of on their articles, here's one that I liked entitled "I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: A Lack of Imagination and an Unreflective Dogma."
It’s a funny meme, a well-known saying amongst nerds and geeks, but whenever I hear it I am reminded of how many people are all too willing to follow government without a second thought and how those who would question the institution are instantly put at risk for ridicule.
Many would never consider the state a religion, but there is a definite knee-jerk reaction whenever it is implied that we do not need it. The idea of a society functioning without government is so frightening that the mere mention of it throws most into a tirade of, “Well, who would build the roads?” and other arguments basically amounting to a philosophy of “Who else will take care of us?” But that’s the problem. We do not need to be taken care of.
The brainwashing of the youth makes it difficult to remove the image of the government as a benevolent care taker, and the long standing view that if only the right people were in place that it would somehow function “properly.”
The truth is obvious, however; it was never meant to function in the public’s best interest, but in a way to subdue the public for the gain of those truly in power. It’s time to start asking bigger questions, and not just swallow what we’re told.
When I tell someone, “I am an anarchist,” and they initially have that knee-jerk reaction, looking at me like I’m crazy because I dare defy the system we’ve been born into, I realize I’m putting my faith in something bigger than government.
My response to their defense of the state: “You find my lack of faith in a twisted government system disturbing–well actually, that’s a compliment.”
Unlike anarchists who think government should be non-existent, I think government should be minuscule as possible, only concerning itself with issues like taxes, road building and the military.

The issue I have with Thoris' philosophy is that an anarchist to me is a government atheist. I couldn't help commit an eye-roll when she mentioned her being an anarchist to "defy the system we've been born into." That's the same as the SJW's and fellow like minded so-called rebels "defying" the status quo because society doesn't fully accept non-straights. It's great that Thoris doesn't like the government, putting self-reliance on ones back, but she goes full-retard with the anarchy.

Altar & Throne has written about the Founding Fathers and they come across as pretentious losers. As with their kind, they think they're smarter than the Found Fathers. All clues points to "no."

Unlike Bolland's Throne & Altar who dismissed free-markets, Altar & Throne supports it. Both sites do away with what is called conservatism. Bolland replaces it with monarchy while Altar & Throne replaces it with voluntaryism. I think it's safe to say both are "no country" types.

Like Bolland, A&T writers are living in a fantasyland where there is no state; and they prove that they don't know how society works let alone functions in order to create what we call Western Civilization. Like Leftists, they yearn for "liberation" but in the end they destroy everything. It's similar when a bunch of millennials and aging hippies gloat that "they know how the economy" works when defending "free" education and healthcare.

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