Friday, April 1, 2016

Jeffrey Tucker says what I was thinking.

It's a dated article, 2001, but even 15 years ago, the LGBT were still playing the same cards as they are today.

Tucker writes about the supposed modern day victimhood status that the LGBT dearly and desperately want to keep alive and believe -
David Tuller writing for Salon Magazine, the left-liberal bellweather, reports that "Virtually every gay person I know is distraught at the rise of the Bush-Cheney presidency and the passing of the gay-friendly Clinton-Gore administration." Leave aside whether this guy personally knows anyone who isn't distraught at the Bush presidency, and suppose that he is right.
Why would gays be upset at Bush? Is the new administration plotting some grand crackdown that would jail people for homosexual acts? Is it planning to send out the BATF to gay clubs to crack skulls? Is it preparing tanks to mow down gay churches or burn them to the ground? Is it agitating for a law that would prevent or otherwise punish private businesses and associations from hiring gays?
Of course not. In fact, Bush went out of his way during the campaign not to offend the gays. He uttered no statements that could be pigeon-holed into the anti-gay category. However, it is instructive to see precisely what Tuller considers to be anti-gay political positions: 1) opposing the extension of hate-crime law to covering gays, 2) cutting back funding for AIDS research, 3) permitting public schools to bar pro-gay seminars for students in the guise of AIDS education, and 4) opposing the extension of "civil rights" to gays at the federal level.
It's an excellent read. Unfortunately, Tucker has "broadened" his views on legal rights since the time of this article and now supports civil unions. As one anarchist puts it, referring to Tucker's original stance on same-sex civil unions, "I may not agree with his stance on civil unions, as I support them as a halfway measure between state-sanctioned marriage and a stateless society."

You see, with anarchists is that they appeal to a moral order but then they play the whole "stateless society" bullshit card. And this anarchist is a Christian. 

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