Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Conservative and cities.

Conservatives that you see in comboxes, when talking about urban issues, aren't "the best and the brightest" that The Right has to offer. They delve into emotional drivel like The Left who do this everyday when people oppose, say, illegal immigration or amnesty, or "progressive" social issues.

Take for example conservatives commenting on Chicago. Things like calling the city "Shitcagoland" do them no favors. It's like calling Michelle Obama, "Moochella", or Barack Obama "Obummer." It's empty headed an immensely juvenile. Calling Chicago a "dump" and predicting that it's the next Detroit shows their ignorance. This is not to say that Chicago cannot be the next Detroit, but given the diverse economy Chicago has over Detroit the analogy somewhat falters.

What rubs me the wrong way is the utter contempt of urban areas that combox conservatives show with bluntness. It's the same utter contempt that "progressives" (remember such people don't like labels, but I'll call them that anyways) for the suburb and small towns -- basically the vast majority of America. Both sides seem to be immune to actually reasonable, respectful discussion without resorting to cliche name calling (e.g. yokel, redneck). This is where people live, work and call home, so the hatred and bitterness compels me to think it's more of a psychological reaction to an easy target, something like Anti-Americanism that's alive in most of Europe.

The Right has their idiots like The Left. How to get them out of the woodwork? Mention any city, like LA (or just CA in general), Chicago or NYC. Everyday conservatives are less idiotic about cultural artwork, but they do have a tendency to prove the "neanderthal" jab. How to get the idiots on The Left to come out (no pun), just mention W. Bush, Sarah Palin and anything traditional in social views and they'll have hives over their bodies.

Besides, Roger Scruton, Roger Kimball,  the folk over at New Criterion, and Ben Shapiro, conservatives lack people that can call out fellow conservatives for being "bare bone" types. Utilitarianism and pragmatism has its place, lik doing the grunt work that makes cities and municipals function. The Right's lack of care to be urbane has hurt them. In order to fight The Left, a couple of shots of sophistication is needed. You don't need to drop the wrench or the gun, you just need to be willing to learn about classical beauty - whether that be in music, art galleries or performance art. Once you do you'll be that much prepared to battle The Left.

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