Thursday, May 19, 2016

Currently in class.

I'm sitting in class and we're talking about Reagonomics, among other things.

Some responses -

"Terminated block grants can only hurt welfare recipients."
"Ah, good old 'trickle-down' effects."
"Still not working."
"In my former profession I worked in human resources. The goal was to hire low-income workers and the corporation benefited from it, the workers never saw the benefits."

Well, what benefits do you want them to see? What exactly do you mean by 'never saw the benefits'? A promotion? Higher pay? More vacation days with paid leave?

The professor goes on talking about PRWORA

"Clinton sorta ended welfare. AFDC was discontinued and was turned into TANF."

So what we called welfare just changed names ... Welfare still exists; it never was 'cured.'


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