Wednesday, May 3, 2017

GoldRushApple vs John C. Wright

I think Wright is an intelligent man and I admire his move from atheism to Christianity, Catholicism to be exact. What I don't admire is his strange inability to actually comprehend what a person is saying if he believes they are insulting him. The man is not gifted in that department. In a post of him defending good teachers, where the notion "those that can't do, teach" is popular among the right, I wrote the following:


"Why you have insulted me, squire!"
"No I didn't."

Now that's quite the claim that Wright dishes about himself. The "most flexible, strong and finely tuned instrument a modern education can produce" he writes about his own mind. Hmmm, a product of a decent education maybe, but the most of X? Not even close. I've come to notice this about Wright. He thinks highly of his intellect and part of his hubris is deserved: he sees through the bullshit of modernism and when he does he skewers them, but so can others who aren't named John C. Wright.

Of course I should've been more clear in my explaining. I followed up with a post that I was attacking mainstream conservatives - those that see no need in the Great Books, or a liberal arts education, or many other things where liberals support or at least see great value in (big clue: that's why they dominate faculty positions in the liberal arts & sciences departments nationwide). Now, if Wright is the erudite product of which he claims to be he'd see this. But I get the feeling he doesn't.

This also brings me to a similar verbal altercation that Wright had with another poster. The poster on his site was asking if whether or not he attended an NO (Novus Ordo) mass or a EF (Latin Mass or Extraordinary Form) mass since he became a Catholic. For whatever reason Wright took offense, thinking that he was calling an inferior Catholic for not practicing rituals, or something to that effect. It was seemingly an innocent question but apparently Wright saw it as an attack. It's a simple yes or no question, but Wright failed to answer. Here, I'll put myself in that situation -

"Hey, you're a Catholic, right?"
"Yes. Or at least I try."
"Do you attend NO or EF?"
"NO since that's what's available. I'm trying to attend an EF mass hopefully in the upcoming years."

Damn that was hard to do.

I'll try to update this post if he responds back. I get the feeling he won't admit to his blind spot that is a product of his own hubris, accusing me of heresy on behalf all intelligent men. It's okay. It's the internet after all and as intelligent and brave of a man Wright is he is in need of an education on how mainstream conservatives treat the arts and liberal arts.

And yes, my avatar is that of a storm trooper. I am a Star Wars fan. 

EDIT: Wright has apologized, so we were both wrong. I in thinking his hubris has anchored him into an abyss of I-can-do-no-wrong and he in misconception.


Bellomy said...

I want to be careful because I work with John and like John. He's a good man. But after the whole monarchy kerfuffle it's become harder for me to look past his flaws.

His big issue - from what I can see - is that he actually is smarter than 99% of the population. As a result, he's set himself up as a Spock-like thinking machine, when he's actually an extremely emotional thinker. Just look at his conversion story compared to Ed Feser's. Ed literally reasoned his way into Catholicism; John had to get slapped up side the head with a religious experience.

None of this makes him wrong, but what I've noticed is that there are certain points you can push him on where that famed Vulcan logic suddenly disappears in blind anger that you're hitting at a core belief, something he sees as foundational to his worldview - like Catholicism, classical liberalism, or his education. He simply can't handle subjects such as those in a bloodless way. And then he lashes out.

GoldRush Apple said...

@ Bellomy: I've heard of that kerfuffle. I don't have much of an opinion on that stance, though I can see where the supporters are coming from.

I won't ever forget this quote by Wright: If Vulcans had a church, they'd be Catholics. I suppose he's one of the more emotional Vulcans.

The conversion of Feser and Wright, when compared, is strikingly different. As you note Feser basically started from the ground up. That's quite impressive when it comes to conversions.

Also, you avatar looks familiar. I feel as if I saw it somewhere.

Bellomy said...

It's the cover of "God, Robot". I'm Malcolm the Cynic; I've been using my Google account and this is the name on it. It's easier than signing out and signing back in again every single time I want to comment.

GoldRush Apple said...

@ Amons/Malcolm: Ah, no wonder it looked familiar.