Accepting same-sex relationships and "marriage" is to the Protestant sects as amnesty (illegal immigration) is to the Catholic Church.
My parents, my aunt and other family members came here legally. They were documented and followed the rules (The horror of following the rules! God Forbid!) in order to get their green card. Now, decades later living in the states they can now say they are citizens of the U.S.A. I think a main difference between those who labeled as illegals, mostly Mexicans, and my parents & family members, who are Asian, is their market skill level.
I hate to be disrespectful to Mexico, but it just seems America's beard produces some entitled mother fuckers. Why? Because the illegals refuse to play the game set up by the government (which the government is slowly changing aka lowering the standards). It ain't a process of grand mystery. If all my family members that live in the States could do it then so can America's beard. There is no good reason for major immigration reform - there is only a push for it because a group of lazy fuckers who have no respect for the process want that green card via sob sorrow and so-called "compassionate" work by tar heads who think universal healthcare is "free." Add to the stubborn mentality of refusing to speak English at least within a year upon arrival just adds to my irritation.
"Si se puede immigrate to the U.S.A legally!"
All together now!
As for Catholic bishops, cardinals and Da Pope supporting amnesty. You idiots. This type of Christlike compassion is royally going to screw you, the world and America over. They then talk about "What about the children of the deported parents? What about them?" My answers? "Well, you should've done it the right way the first time. It's not like you DID NOT KNOW. Deport them as well." Let's just erase the "imaginary" lines that separate countries, shall we? What possibly can be more brilliant than that?
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