Wednesday, April 29, 2015

It's all about the partying. Wait, what about the ceremony?

Proponents of same-sex marriage, or in their mind  - "marriage equality," are a rather daft bunch.

1. It is about "feelings."
2. It is about getting what they don't have.
3. It is about public & governmental acknowledgment.

And now it's about scheduling your weekends with so many same-sex ceremonies that it resembles my high school days when I had five proms to attend in the month of April. At least during that month the dresses, on the girls - once all lined up, resembled a rainbow of colors. All the guys, if you weren't wearing white, all dressed in traditional black tuxes. 

As I suspected, proponents of same-sex mirage do not take marriage seriously as a pillar of western civilization. They just see it as something as "unequal" and will pound the door, make personal stories that are near absurd and throw-up worthy, have public make-out sessions to "prove" that their "love" is as real and as equal as heterosexual love, in order to get wide-sweeping civil marriage.

One of the low-brow talking points that opponents to same-sex mirage pull is "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Even I see where they're coming from it just doesn't work with people who are not religious or hold the bizarre belief in separation of church & state. What they don't normally use right after "Adam & Steve" card is the fact that any person wanting to "marry" a person of their own sex cannot do so (as of today in certain states) simply because that given state holds marriage to be between two people of opposite sex. Sandra can't marry Aunt Bettie because she thinks doing will guarantee her spousal benefits. Michael can't "marry" Joseph out of sheer business strategy.

What same-sex proponents have done is to further trivialize marriage to a degree where "it doesn't matter." They did for sexual acts as well and they're doing it to marriage. They kicked it up a notch into say "it doesn't matter whether a child raised by two men or two women because love makes a family." The difference of each sex - male & female - doesn't matter in both romantic/sexual relationships, in what marriage is, and how a kiss is just a kiss, and just sex is just sex. It's about trivializing yet at the same time celebrating and respecting sexual acts in certain moments because "it's special." Marriage & sex is only special when "we" say it is so goes the modern worldview. With that reasoning, then marriage & sex is innately meaningless.

Some truly don't understand why anyone would be against gay "marriage." See below.

MayBee then, I give her credit, questions if "liberty" grants people to marry someone regardless of sex, then there should be no rules/laws that would soundly stand if we take that "liberty" to its logical conclusion: The outright fundamental change, and forever, of marriage. Marriage in MayBee's eyes is like any other word in the dictionary with multiple definitions equally as good as the original. Revised. Enlightened. "With it." She only calls into the absurdness when age comes into play, but then again she fails to recognize that minors getting married underage usually are of opposite sex.

It's all about the image - the two celebrants walking out of the chapel doors hand-in-hand smiling as their "enlightened" family members and friends cheer on.

It's all about the image - the two celebrants standing in defiance of a bigoted and hateful world as they smile lovingly into each others eyes.

It's all about the image - the two celebrants raising children just like the heterosexual couple (if not better).

It's all about the party - getting "hitched."

And pro-proponents for same-sex mirage never cared for the institution in the first place, only when they felt like it was important because they saw it as "unfair."  They only showed up when their best friends, Hannah and Kristen, wanted to get "married" but couldn't (at the time).

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