Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Do you smell the feces? You do? Others do too.

Here is a post that reflects on the online community that is smelling the feces that is modern day liberalism.

So what is the role of the amateur in this new environment?  After all, every contributor to the Orthosphere except Professor Bertonneau, JMSmith, and DrBill (did I miss anyone?) is writing as an amateur.  I suppose the answer is that it depends on what one wants to accomplish by blogging.  Are you writing for yourself, to clarify your own thoughts?  Are you writing for the reactionary community, to contribute to its repository of knowledge?  Are you trying to win converts to the cause or (better yet) to the Church?  What serves one purpose probably no longer serves others.
My posts' tone heavily say I am writing for personal thought. I mainly try to write, sometimes restrain, when a thought or two becomes too overwhelming and I need to sort it out. I do not have the writing skills or intelligence - let alone the temper to deal with trolls - to go "big time," nor do I want to even if I did hold such gifts. 

I am glad, that those who posses the writing skill and intelligence capable of deconstructing and analyzing this bizarre Twilight that is modern day liberalism, do not consider themselves "part of" modernity. They may live in it, but they are not part of it. All that surfaces within the Twilight will only break your heart, mainly because the fail to repent, but also because they are too self-involved with their own hearts. They spoil their hearts, abuse their souls and want those that get hurt to "deal with it."

I could've stayed a modern day liberal. It was much easier back then.

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