As poster "Sam_Handwich" (gay "marriage" advocate) puts it -
People like Handwich aren't reasonable. They are bitter. They are narrow minded and they want revenge. Not because they were actually physically or verbally abused, not because they were treated like the Jewish in Hitler's Germany, but because they are victims of modernity where their sexuality (not liking the opposite sex exclusively, whether their bi or 'gay') has rendered their esteem rather low growing up and, finding a narrative that helps them feel indignant (enter LGBT activists and the derangement that comes with such an infliction) have produced a person who grows up to think society owes them something; in their minds they think of themselves as Jewish Holocaust survivors like blacks constantly refer back to American slavery and their pride in their "blackness."
I'll say this, when you meet a Swede who so happens to be a homosexual and even he has insecurities about his sexuality and feels "oppressed" then that would be a hint that so-called "progress" doesn't naturally cultivate sound individuals in the aspects that it wants it to be sound, and it also would be a HUGE hint that having romantic/sexual feelings towards your sex isn't so much 'normal.' When you grow up feeling"different" (and in this case one is actually different) please don't take that as as a sign of "well society is just plain bigoted and hateful" and grow to be some run-of-the-mill gay "rights" advocate. Heck, I would know. One of my own family remembers, when he started to embrace is homosexuality, became one of these just under six months.
Some *comments from the ROL article -
This is a similar strawman when someone quoted a judge saying, and I paraphrase, "Heterosexual get drunk, have sex and have kids out of wedlock and have domestic violence, yet they're given the right to marry. Homosexuals are then painted as some evil group where they're punished and don't have the right to marry." The poster then tried to add on "he was appointed by Ronald Reagan." That's basically the same poor-ass tactic like saying "homosexual acts were never condemned in the Bible so it makes it totally okay!." Or it's similar to saying "[insert some media favorite non-"progressive"] said legalizing marijuana and universal health care was the right thing to so there! Even so-and-so supports it, now what?"
Let's move on.
I'm sensing an inferiority complex with "DGCJ." He then assumes that straight men adore George W. Bush. Well, if you're straight, don't think gay "marriage" should be legalized and, if so, are not equal to actual marriage (between a man and woman) then your hero must be Little W. I was waiting for the "Fox News" being pulled and "white men" card as well. It never came.
Here's a funny.
This is in the same vain as "I cannot wait for you old white people to die so your ideals can wither away" card, or playing the "become extinct like the dinosaurs" card. I mean, the only call to life from social "progressives" that I'm aware of is being anti-war (they sometimes peak their head out for the death penalty talk). All else? Abortion is practically an oxymoron to life. Encourage/celebrating same-sex relationships without much plans for kids (without in vitro and adoption they can't 'have' any) is backwards. Encouraging "my body no kids" for women is also backwards (some say that they don't have "motherly instincts" in order to not have kids). Propping up the idea that a women doesn't need a man in a sense that serial monogamy and serial relationships makes a "strong, independent and courageous" woman is downright insane. So I don't see life from these types of people (though they are abnormally into themselves and #YOLO, or some sort of variant of that). In fact, if my memory serves me correctly, they don't call for defense of life either (not that they would know how to handle a handgun, or on a more extreme case support a strong military).
Being against interracial marriage is the same as being against same-sex marriage. Of course. Genius observation.
Then there's that awkward exchange of words of 'shooting' your own people aka blue on blue.
"Guest" brings up a good point. Like "DGCJ," Kara has an odd view of how conservatives will react - granted fringe groups like the Westboro Baptist Church will go out in public and do their usually thing. I remember being on American Thinker, reading a past article about the writer's contact with the non-religious and their views on Romney (they believed if he were to be elected the country would turn into a theocracy) with some LGBT Gestapo chiming in. The day after the election a few more chimed and were gloating that they won. That's what the LGBT Gestapo internet branch does when things rule in their favor: Gloat. I then confronted about it and one said to me "Well, of course! Why shouldn't we!" Then, on another article, on another site, when Prop 8. was struck down in CA a homosexual said to me "Me and my friends will be dancing in the street!"
In "MarkOH" case there is no activist judge; it's all projection since, in his mind, any judge not ruling in favor of (actual) marriage is labeled an "activist judge." Now, he may have a point. But then I strictly remember a federal judge basically vetoing the Alabama marriage ban leaving open the ruling of same-sex "marriage." So no, MarkOH doesn't really have a point. The people of Alabama had no say on this. It happened last year as well, but in the state of Virginia. Yes, it took just one judge.
Speaking of "frothing at the mouth" check this video out:
and this article. How about the Oregon *bakery that did not want to make a same-sex "wedding" cake or the photographer who refused to partake in a gay "wedding"? The Oregon bakery was initially closed due to mob tactics by the LGBT Gestapo (IRL) and the photographer was taken to the Supreme Court. Add in the recent **Indiana pizza parlor, Memories Pizza, being closed down due to the very same thing: Refusing to serve a same-sex "wedding."All three did not refuse their services to non-straight people in event that weren't related to same-sex "weddings."
*Interesting yelp reviews.
** Pizzeria yelp reviews.
(A good percent of the 1 star reviews, at the time of each incidents - bakery in mid 2013 and pizza parlor the first week of April 2015 - try to mask their disagreement of "no service to gay 'weddings'" as "bad food, bad service." It's the messed up, cowardly modern way of cutting down something while masking its true intentions. It accomplishes one thing: To deter potential customers which leads to the potential of less profit. Basically: Close this b*tch down. They will smugly add in "It's economics, honey!" People who say that probably don't even understand microeconomics. When it comes to the pizzeria, apparently Walkerton, Indiana, population of about 2, 400, is a tourist magnet to those in California. Who would have known?)
I am not a sociologist, but I can confidently say that when marriage "equality" becomes the law of the land come June a good majority of traditional conservatives won't be "frothing at the mouth," though Kara and the liked-minded would love such a thing to happen (it would be the cherry on their 'wedding' cake, the diamond on that engagement ring). Social "progressives" think very highly of themselves - they think they're "tolerant" and "open minded" people; they are anything but. They intimidate. They flood articles to spout their strawman arguments and circular logic.They think of their opponents (conservatives of any stripe) in archetypes and caricatures. They play off this boxy idea of their opponents to fuel their bitterness, their argument and their rage.
UPDATE: At around 4PM I rechecked the article. I posted around noon that by midnight ROL's page would have at least 500+ comments (it had about 300 when I arrived). It's not even 6PM where I live and it has over 1,000+. I totally underestimated the LGBT Gestapo.
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