Right next to humpback whales. Oh, wait, the whales were taken off the endangered list recently. Never mind. Why? Because the procreated to a degree where they didn't need protection. (Every time I talk about the LGBT I'm going to mention the procreation bit because I think it's pretty damn important.)
Today I visited a couple of thrift shops in my area, both happen to be Salvation Army, just to see if I could spot any "ooh"s. The last time I visited was last year where I found two cast iron skillets (about 8" each) and an old school desk similar to the one below -
I didn't purchase either cast iron skillets, though I should've, and the desk was more of a "Eh, nice but I I'm not sure ... " If I purchased the desk it would be strictly for decoration purposes.
After today's visits I wanted to know how others used thrift stores and what not to buy. Some good ideas came about:
Shop for baby and kids clothes since kids grow fast.
Don't reject an ugly picture because the frame may be of use.
Test kitchen silver if it's actually sterling silver. (1-2 second 'ping' if you lightly tap it.)
Maternity clothes.
Vinyl records are a gamble in terms of quality.
A good percent of clothes on the racks are there due to its durability, not necessarily for its fashion astuteness.
As I got done reading an article about thrift stores, I scrolled down to the comment section to see what others had to say. The very first comment that showed up, and the most up voted, had this written (it was two years ago, but it; still relevant)-
It's always interesting what counts as homophobia these days. It's even more interesting is that people actually take issue and are offended by the organization's name. Well, since the word "ARMY" was emphasized by poster "udibi" in such a way, I guess that he has a picture of people dressed in camo holding rifles and shouting "SALVATION! REPENT! OR ELSE!" How very intimidating. How very offensive and insidious. What came to my mind when I entered the store and muttered 'The Salvation Army ... " was "Well that's nice. A somewhat pro-Christian vibe going on."
What I sort of admire in people like udibi, at least when it comes to people who are pro-LGBT, is that they will hunt down any past history of an organization that is not pro-LGBT. If any business is not pro-LGBT you will know about it because there's at least one person in the combox that will mention it. I mean, I just find it fascinating to see people list off the suppose "awful things." It's fascinating because it completely changes the direction of the intended article - in this case thrift shop tips and the other a men's sartorial site.
I quickly googled Salvation Army to see if any of the "awful things" were indeed awful. My search bared little fruit. SA did refuse to give out "couple benefits" to employees in same-sex relationships (so it IS about the benefits) because they see such relationships as sin. (I still don't see how this counts as 'awful.') They were also accused of not hiring LGBT, but no direct statement or actual proof surfaced; the article that CBS News issued was too vague and badly written to make any true sense of what was the issue. I don't see how asking people with same-sex attraction to be celibate as "awful." Is asking an alcoholic to abstain from alcohol or some chubster to not eat twinkers "awful"? No. It wouldn't be, but asking a homosexual to not engage in same-sex acts apparently is. How do the workers know if the homeless are LGBT? If the homeless were turned away how did they conclude that s was due to their sexuality? I mean, "gays look like ... people," so I'm suspect of this accusation. The other accusation, that the head of SA's media relations supported the death of the LGBT was never actually proven to be accurate. When the media relation guy from SA was interviewed it was done by two LGBT activists, and when they published the interview that snippet went viral on the interwebs in the LGBT circle. A person with half a brain wouldn't bite the hanging carrot. Every time someone someone appeals to the other "do nots" when trying to paint Christian organizations has hypocritical I know that they are Kool-Aid drinkers.
Apparently "Pete Morawski" is aware of SA's stances about homosexuality and refuses to step in their stores. I think it's safe to say that whatever organization does not support LGBT "rights" will be brought to notice and people like above will know. You are on their hit list.
Keep in mind that the site I got this comment from was named "treehugger.com" so such a mentality isn't too surprising. Eco-friendly sites tend to attract similar moths with fervent hard on for "rights," especially when it comes to the so-called unfairly maligned and hated LGBT community.
Do you hear that? That's the sound of the humpbacks saying "Thank you, humans, for protecting us when we actually needed protection and a "safe place"!"
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