Members of the Friends School Community,
As many of you know, this morning, we posted on the Friends School Facebook page a Washington Post article that profiled a Friends School alumnus who is a prominent national opponent of same-sex marriage. Earlier this evening, I removed that post from our page, and I’m writing to provide some background on this decision.
I want to begin by expressing my sincere regret to those for whom the posting of this article called into question our school’s commitment to honoring their identity and their rights. Though I should have anticipated the anguish and confusion this posting would cause, I did not. For that lack of sensitivity, and the pain that it has brought about, I apologize to all the members of our community.Micciche's entire letter to the community could be found here, on Anderson's facebook page. You know what what was the very first comment that met me?
Franzoni can't attack/mock Anderson's education (as the left did with Palin), so he plays nice. But he slyly transitions into attack mode saying such things cannot "hide" the suppose unfairness that lies and boils in Anderson's heart.
I'm not sure how Anderson's stance of not supporting same-sex mirage flies in the face of the community he was raised in. I don't know nor am I familiar with the Baltimore area that educated him up until his university years, unless poster Franzoni does, so such accusations reads as emotional and irrational drivel. Note the absolute disdain that drips from Franzoni's last sentence. It's nothing new - "wrong side of history" (all of a sudden social "progressives" are in love with history) and reliance of the Supreme Court to finally silence Anderson and other like-minded people. It's the same as people wishing that "old white men" would die-out like the dinosaurs in order for more "enlightened" policies, social norms and beliefs to pervade and dominate. It's pathetic and it's downright, well, hateful.
Let's look at Franzoni's second post. Ah! We find out that the man a homosexual (maybe bisexual, but nevertheless a person with same-sex attraction that ACTS upon it). The tired old butt hurt accusations of being treated like a second-class citizen (up until last year I couldn't marry my best friend who's the same sex as me, so I guess I was a 'second class citizen' before that time ... Now I'm full-fledged). But wait, that's not the most ridiculous thing he said. Franzoni goes to say "I am fine with others having a different view point - as long as it stays at that - a view point," which ties back to his belief that same-sex mirage is a right "not afforded to others." I don't know what state the man lives in, but I don't see how him not being able to "marry" his own sex (or in their own words "the person of their choice" or "the person I love") "negatively impacts" his everyday life. Are we talking about taxes? Inheritance rights? Hospital visitation? Health care through a spouse? Almost everything I listed could be done without a marriage license. I am not sure about health care since I pay for my own as a single person. Living with one another? Roommates. Boom. Problem solved.
And the ever famous question of how same-sex mirage effects non-same-sex marriages. I can name some (big) negative effects: It erases the dichotomy that appears between the man and a woman when it comes to marriage itself, how parenting is seen and cultivated and how children are born into the world. It also changes the legal definition from "one man and one woman" to "two parties of regardless of sex in commitment to one another." I don't get the "happy happy joy joy" feeling when reading the latter. I get a rather bizarre feeling of disgust and "you-got-to-be-fucking-kidding-me" attitude. It also makes same-sex mirage and relationships on equal footing as hetero relationships. As a straight person I'm rather insulted. My orientation is not disordered nor do I hide behind victimization. In fact, if the shit hits the fan in civilization and the world is met with a I Am Legend or Children of Men scenario I'm the future. I'm the one who will not look at the opposite sex with disgust or indifference when it comes to mating. The world needs babies to survive? No problem. I got it. Those who solely "love" their own sex or prefer their own sex? I hope you have a useful skill.
There's another post by a man by the name of Scott Rose. Rose says -
Ah, the reliable "We're gonna win. Shut up. Me and my lovers who I cannot have babies with because it's absolutely impossible based on biology will be dancing in the streets!" Now same-sex mirage is being used as "a plus" because, supposedly, Massachusetts has the lowest divorce rate. Because of same-sex mirage. Yea, okay, Rose. I can hear it now "Pass same-sex 'marriage' because the effects are positive! It lowers the divorce rate." Sort of sounds like a health trend, you know, like eating tree bark is "proven" to increase your testosterone, lower your blood pressure and, overall, helps you live a longer, healthier life. Also, what is with same-sex mirage supporters constantly throwing in the "hate" and "fear mongering" cards? Hate this. Hate that. Fear fear fear. What a broken record. In my case I don't "hate" same-sex mirage. I find it ridiculously fucking stupid several grounds. If "fear" checks for "not wanting to see the current state of marriage turn into a bigger & more meaningless joke," then that's some Orwellian BS.
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